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iphone-universal - issue #8

enhancement for blue highlight when list item is touched

Posted on Aug 1, 2009 by Grumpy Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. on any page with list items, touch a list item to visit the next page

What is the expected output? I expect the item touched to briefly turn blue as a confirmation of which item I selected. I also expect the right arrow to switch to the "loading" icon to show that the next page is coming.

What do you see instead? I don't see the blue highlight, and the arrow stays as an arrow.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? v2.1; testing in Chrome (which works very nicely) and on iPhone OS v3

Please provide any additional information below. The user named "clueo8" inquired on this same issue back on Jan 8, 2009. A possible solution was posted using a hover color. I see two problems with that solution:

1) The hover color is simply a "flat" background color. A more proper and refined look would be the 3D looking blue color; so it should instead use an icon instead of just the color.

2) After clicking an item and going to the next page, if you then use Safari's back button at the bottom left of the screen to go back to the previous page, that blue highlight is still there; very confusing looking. But if instead use you the back button at the top left of the page, then the blue highlight does indeed go away (which is what I'd expect). It's obviously this way because using Safari's built in back button does not reload the page from the server. It just presents it to you in its last known state.

All that said, this is a very good kit for developing. I much appreciate all the work that's gone into it. I only wish I had this highlight feature to polish it off.

Thank you.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium