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io-2012-slides - issue #7

iframe load/unload needs to work correctly

Posted on Apr 10, 2012 by Quick Rhino

Moving back slides (left) doesn't unload them properly.

We always do: window.setTimeout(this.disableSlideFrames_.bind(this, curSlide - 2), 301);

this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide - 1); this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide + 1); this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide + 2);

The first line won't work correctly if you're moving left.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 22, 2012 by Quick Rhino

We're no longer disabling/unloading iframes, but the loading works correctly. It loads the next slide's iframe after a small amount of time to prevent jank from the css transtions.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium