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imrmc - issue #35

minor error in the variance analysis

Posted on Jun 12, 2015 by Happy Lion

Dear Dr. Gallas

Hello. At first, thanks much to you for providing useful packages iMRMC.

I am a beginner to start researches about MRMC and I am using iMRMC Version 2p7.

I am conducting statistical analysis of ROC data and I am jointly working with Dr. Kyoungho Lee in the Seoul National University Bundang hospital. A researcher in his lab, Ms. Ko, introduced this thankful program which unburden computational tasks.

But, recently, I found a minor error of the results of the iMRMC which seems to be mistakes. In the variance analysis, I think the label of MS table, RC, MR, MC, should be corrected as MR, MC, RC.

Can you check this results?

Thank you.

Regards, Jong-June Jeon.

Comment #1

Posted on Jun 12, 2015 by Massive Kangaroo

I have checked my notes and the code and concur with your conclusion. Nice catch on your part!

We are in the middle of a transition from google code to GitHub because google is closing down google code :( Stay tuned and let me know if this fix doesn't show up in the next version. The transition process is going to be long and tricky.


Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium