Dear Dr. Gallas
Hello. At first, thanks much to you for providing useful packages iMRMC.
I am a beginner to start researches about MRMC and I am using iMRMC Version 2p7.
I am conducting statistical analysis of ROC data and I am jointly working with Dr. Kyoungho Lee in the Seoul National University Bundang hospital. A researcher in his lab, Ms. Ko, introduced this thankful program which unburden computational tasks.
But, recently, I found a minor error of the results of the iMRMC which seems to be mistakes. In the variance analysis, I think the label of MS table, RC, MR, MC, should be corrected as MR, MC, RC.
Can you check this results?
Thank you.
Regards, Jong-June Jeon.
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 12, 2015 by Massive KangarooI have checked my notes and the code and concur with your conclusion. Nice catch on your part!
We are in the middle of a transition from google code to GitHub because google is closing down google code :( Stay tuned and let me know if this fix doesn't show up in the next version. The transition process is going to be long and tricky.
Status: Fixed