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ID Status Summary
229 Accepted All issues are moved to Bitbucket, please do not create new issues here. Priority-High
228 Moved Test issue Type-Defect Priority-Medium
227 Moved Crashes when Done button is clicked during Edit shell configurations: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
226 Moved IEP does not start: QTextBlockUserData object has no attribute 'indentation' Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release3.3
225 Moved ReplaceAll scrolls file to start Type-Defect Priority-Low
224 Moved IEP lists numbered folders nominally rather than logically Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
223 Invalid plotting in interactive mode (ion()) does not work, Type-Defect Priority-Medium
222 Moved IEP 3.3: Cant configure shell (at all) Type-Defect Priority-High
221 WontFix Enhancement for the browser Type-Defect Priority-Medium
220 WontFix Source structure abstract rather than literal Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
219 Moved Next Tab and Previous Tab Type-Defect Priority-Medium
218 Moved Search in Shell Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
217 Moved TODO comments colouring misleading Type-Defect Priority-Low
216 Moved Default Shell Configurations dialogue has Cancel button highlighted by default Type-Defect Priority-Medium
215 Moved Mapping same key shortcut show "combo already in use" warning Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
214 Fixed Interactive help does not update for methods without typing a method name Type-Defect Priority-Medium
213 Moved Source Structure text colour does not correspond to chosen colour scheme and font Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
212 Duplicate Indentation algorithm processes comments Type-Defect Priority-Medium
211 Moved Nicer handling of font options Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
210 Moved Source Structure scale adjuster behaviour unusual Type-Defect Priority-Medium
209 Moved Cannot rename folder through File Browser Type-Defect Priority-Medium
208 Moved Integrate renaming functionality into file browser rather than in external dialogue Type-Defect Priority-Medium
207 Fixed Copy/Paste doesn't work after closing file Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
206 Moved Synchronize file browser with open file Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
205 Moved Project indicator (little star) unclear in new file browser Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
204 Moved Needs auto-save of source code Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
203 Moved IEP does not retain frame positions upon close and re-open Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
202 Moved Autocompletion not invoked in-place after exit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
201 Moved Irregular frame borders Type-Defect Priority-Medium
200 Fixed Autocompletion compeletes on parenth Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
199 Invalid IEP hangs on startup on Window 7 PC where I do not have admin rights Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.2
198 Fixed Version of Qt issue Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release3.2
197 Moved Typos in texts Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
196 Moved Allow drag & drop in File browser Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
195 WontFix File tabs show through arrow scroll buttons Type-Defect Priority-Medium
194 Moved File browser right click inconsistencies (IEP 3.2b) Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
193 Moved Retrieve recent command form different shells Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
192 Moved Empty shortcut mappings - display something else than "<>" for empty mappings. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
191 Moved Bad cursor positioning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 Moved "Show line endings" option inconsistent and hides text (v3.2b) Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
189 Fixed Different project staring mechanisms should be unified (3.2b) Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release3.2
188 Moved Interactive Help has an uncanny gap between buttons Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
187 Moved Interactive help "smart format" not very smart! Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
186 Fixed Interactive Help retains values Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
185 WontFix Web browser defaults on loading to Python 2.7.3 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 WontFix Web Browser does not recognise mouse-button "back" and "forward" commands Type-Defect Priority-Medium
183 WontFix Search in Web Browser frame Type-Defect Priority-Medium
182 Moved IEP 3.2 beta crash on close Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release3.2
181 Moved Dialog to edit settings/preferences Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
180 Moved More profound project management Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
179 Moved Tighter integration of file browser Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
178 Fixed Options between multiple fonts Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
177 Moved Tabbed interface for multiple python shells Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
176 Duplicate Detection of single brackets and quotes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
175 Duplicate Loading Modules Type-Defect Priority-Medium
174 Moved Indent and de-indent behave differently Type-Defect Priority-Low
173 Moved Better lists, tuples and dicts display in the Workspace view Type-Defect Priority-Medium
172 Moved Filter Workspace view Type-Defect Priority-Medium
171 Duplicate Better handling of browsing between functions Type-Defect Priority-Medium
170 Invalid Numpad Enter behaves differently from main Enter on Alt+Enter Type-Defect Priority-Medium
169 Moved Better support for multi-line commands in shell Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
168 Duplicate Multi-line pastes into shell - navigation not consistent Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 Duplicate Choosing value from pop-up list on command line done with TAB instead of Enter Type-Defect Priority-Medium
166 Fixed Deleting text moves following line with its indentation Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
165 Fixed IEP hangs on Windows with Python 3.3 Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.2
164 Fixed Segfault when exiting IEP on Py3.3/Pyside1.1.2/Linux64 Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.2
163 Fixed Segfault when right-clicking a tab on Py3.3/Pyside1.1.2/Linux64 Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.2
162 Invalid No module name 'picture' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
161 Moved Syntax parser for script file (without extension) Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
160 Moved Crash on load on Mac OS X 10.8.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 Fixed "The kernel process exited." gives wrong exit code Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
158 Fixed magic commands (ls, cd) hide variables Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
157 Fixed Feature request: Ctrl-Shift-Enter for 'Evaluate cell and advance one cell' (like in Matlab) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
156 Fixed Feature request: resizable auto-completion window Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
155 Moved request: Click-able overview of all errors and highlights in file Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
154 Moved request: Including the <if __name__ == "__main__"> location in Source Structure pane Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
153 Moved request: Button to go to previous cursor position Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
152 Moved request: Ability to open command prompt console Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
151 Moved Compiz crushes while starting IEP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
150 Fixed Evaluate selection option in right-click pop-up menu in editor Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
149 Fixed Comment/un-comment with right click popup menu Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
148 Moved Highlight all occurrences of currently selected word Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
147 Fixed Clicking on a search results in file browser gives a drag-and-drop-mouse-cursor Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
146 Invalid feedback and suggestions Type-Defect Priority-Medium
145 Moved Command line interface for IEP (in particular to open .py files) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.3
144 Fixed When executing the current line, and the cursor is all the way to the left, the line is not executed Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release3.2
143 Moved Feature Request: Variable name completion (based on variable names used in the open file(s)) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
142 WontFix Feature Request: Add 'Go To Line' Type-Other Priority-Low
141 Invalid Change "Enter" Behaviour when Searching Type-Defect Priority-Medium
140 Moved Feature Request: Code Folding Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
139 Fixed IEP is not installable with pip Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
138 Fixed QtGui.QApplication.setLibraryPaths([]) only if frozen? Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.2
137 Moved IEP does not properly load on Ubuntu 12.10 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
136 Moved Embed IPython shell? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
135 Invalid How to change font? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Moved User setting: invoke autocompletion on demand instead of automatically Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release3.3
133 Fixed Deleting shell configuration deletes wrong shell Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.1
132 Fixed Entering more than one line in the shell will never execute Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release3.1
131 Fixed Update documentation for the new installation process from sources Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release3.1
130 Fixed Delete button has default focus in shell config window Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Release3.1