What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Use FontAwesome: http://fontawesome.io/icons/ 2. Or just use this css style: .icon:before { content: "\f073"; }
in case of the use of font awseome it should display an icon. but it shows the string "f073" instead
I'm using ie7-2.1(beta4)
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 12, 2014 by Happy PandaComment deleted
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 12, 2014 by Happy CamelDid you find a solution?
I am having a similar issue with my icon fonts. Instead of rendering the icon it renders a square.
I am using IE9.js Version 2.1 (beta4) in Win XP - IE8
Any suggestion?
Comment #3
Posted on Jun 3, 2014 by Grumpy KangarooIt seems that the JS is removing the leading "\" that signifies a unicode character in the CSS. If you add that back into the content: "" property in the CSS, it works. The JS needs to make sure it's not removing leading or trailing slashes from places where they're actually required.
Comment #4
Posted on Jun 4, 2014 by Grumpy Monkeyi solved this for me with a quick hack by adding a line of code to my IE9.js:
load: function() { this.cssText = ""; this.getText(); this.parse(); if (inheritedProperties.length) { this.cssText = parseInherited(this.cssText); } this.cssText = decode(this.cssText);
// preserve fontawesome-classes (werkzeugh@gmail.com 2014-06-04)
this.cssText=this.cssText.replace(/content: 'f([a-f0-9]+)';/g,'content: "\\f$1";');
fileCache = {};
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