What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Load/execute script in IE 10 2. 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Error: unable to get property of '1' of undefined or null reference
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
2.1(beta4) on Windows -- especially with Adobe Contribute which somehow ignores the IE comments to skip the script if over IE8 even though it's embedding IE10. Will probably not affect most users, but it was driving my clients using Contribute nuts ;-)
Please provide any additional information below.
The regular expression in the statement beginning line 6, col 84 supports only single-digit major version numbers. Adding a + character as shown in the following (and in the attached patched IE9.js) will support multi-digit major numbers as well as single.
var t=h.appVersion=navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+.\d)/)[1]-0;
- IE9.js 40.54KB
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 5, 2013 by Grumpy KangarooIE11 has changed the navigator.appVersion string, so the necessary regexp must include an alternation to find both the old "MSIE ##.#" and the new "rv:##.#" variations:
navigator.appVersion.match(/(?:MSIE |rv:)(\d+.\d)/)[1]
- IE9.js 40.56KB
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