This plugin enables Google Android support in IntelliJ IDEA 7.
Important Note
The Android support is now a bundled feature of IntelliJ IDEA 9 Ultimate. The open-source version of the plugin available at this site is outdated and incompatible with IntelliJ IDEA 9.
Bugs should be reported in the JetBrains YouTrack: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/ (project IntelliJ IDEA, component Android)
Getting Started
A step-by-step GettingStarted tutorial is available.
- Autodetection of Android facet when project is created or opened
- Option to add Android support in new project wizard
- Action to create a new activity
- Android build support (R.java generation, AIDL compilation, classes.dex generation, final packaging)
- Android run support (starting emulator, installing application, starting activity)
- File type for Android IDL files
Code insight support
Android Manifest.xml
- Navigation, completion, validation, find usages and rename support for activity, intent, service, receiver and instrumentation classes
- Completion for action and category names in intent filters
- Completion of permission IDs in uses-permission tags
- Navigation, validation and completion of resource references from android:label and android:icon values.