In OpenStack, for example, you can change the instance types exported (eg http://ken.pepple.info/openstack/2011/03/03/Configurable-Instance-Types-For-OpenStack-Nova/).
However, I notice that in src/chrome/content/ec2ui/newinstancesdialog.js the instance types appear to be hardcoded?
This means that if an OpenStack cloud is running non-standard instance types, they won't show up. Or if 'default' types have been deleted, trying to launch an instance with a deleted type will result in an error.
I don't know if the EC2 API actually has a call to get instance types, so this might be unsolvable automatically :) Perhaps the ability for users to modify the types in-GUI could be considered?
Right now I am working around this by manually updating the code with the correct types and then sending that version to users.
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Configure an OpenStack cloud with non-standard instance types 2. Select an image and get to the New Instance dialog 3. Look at the list of instance types in the menu
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Hope to see the list of instance types supported by the cloud. Instead see a default list.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Trunk
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 13, 2011 by Happy LionThanks for reporting this issue
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 5, 2012 by Happy Lion(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: OnHold