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htmlcompressor - issue #91

Unable to use closure

Posted on Feb 16, 2014 by Quick Ox

I am using the latest version of all scripts (2014-02-16). However, the closure options are not yielding anything. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a htmlcompressor bug

Files: -rw-r----- 1 bharath bharath 6.4M Feb 16 18:36 compiler.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 68K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 153K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3-javadoc.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 16K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3-site.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 50K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3-sources.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 27K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3-test-javadoc.jar -rwxrw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 16K Mar 6 2012 htmlcompressor-1.5.3-test-sources.jar -rw-rw-r-- 1 bharath bharath 770K Jul 18 2013 yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar

Command: java -jar htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar --compress-js --compress-css --js-compressor yui --closure-opt-level advanced -a ../../www/index.full.php



Setting | Incremental Gain | Total Gain | Page Size |

Compression disabled | 0 (0.0%) | 0 (0.0%) | 23,246 | All settings disabled | 7 (0.0%) | 7 (0.0%) | 23,239 | Comments removed | 900 (3.9%) | 907 (3.9%) | 22,339 | Multiple spaces removed | 3,114 (13.9%) | 4,021 (17.3%) | 19,225 | No spaces between tags | 143 (0.7%) | 4,164 (17.9%) | 19,082 | No surround spaces (min) | 8 (0.0%) | 4,172 (17.9%) | 19,074 | No surround spaces (max) | 0 (0.0%) | 4,172 (17.9%) | 19,074 | No surround spaces (all) | 13 (0.1%) | 4,185 (18.0%) | 19,061 | Quotes removed from tags | 125 (0.7%) | 4,310 (18.5%) | 18,936 | <link> attr. removed | 46 (0.2%) | 4,356 (18.7%) | 18,890 | <style> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,356 (18.7%) | 18,890 | <script> attr. removed | 92 (0.5%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | <form> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | <input> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Simple boolean attributes | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Simple doctype | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Remove js pseudo-protocol | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Remove http protocol | 30 (0.2%) | 4,478 (19.3%) | 18,768 | Remove https protocol | 48 (0.3%) | 4,526 (19.5%) | 18,720 | Compress inline CSS (YUI) | 192 (1.0%) | 4,718 (20.3%) | 18,528 |

Compress inline JS (YUI) | 1,499 (8.1%) | 6,217 (26.7%) | 17,029 |

Each consecutive compressor setting is applied on top of previous ones. In order to see JS and CSS compression results, YUI jar file must be present. All sizes are in bytes.

Command: java -jar htmlcompressor-1.5.3.jar --compress-js --compress-css --js-compressor closure --closure-opt-level advanced -a ../../www/index.full.php



Setting | Incremental Gain | Total Gain | Page Size |

Compression disabled | 0 (0.0%) | 0 (0.0%) | 23,246 | All settings disabled | 7 (0.0%) | 7 (0.0%) | 23,239 | Comments removed | 900 (3.9%) | 907 (3.9%) | 22,339 | Multiple spaces removed | 3,114 (13.9%) | 4,021 (17.3%) | 19,225 | No spaces between tags | 143 (0.7%) | 4,164 (17.9%) | 19,082 | No surround spaces (min) | 8 (0.0%) | 4,172 (17.9%) | 19,074 | No surround spaces (max) | 0 (0.0%) | 4,172 (17.9%) | 19,074 | No surround spaces (all) | 13 (0.1%) | 4,185 (18.0%) | 19,061 | Quotes removed from tags | 125 (0.7%) | 4,310 (18.5%) | 18,936 | <link> attr. removed | 46 (0.2%) | 4,356 (18.7%) | 18,890 | <style> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,356 (18.7%) | 18,890 | <script> attr. removed | 92 (0.5%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | <form> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | <input> attr. removed | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Simple boolean attributes | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Simple doctype | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Remove js pseudo-protocol | 0 (0.0%) | 4,448 (19.1%) | 18,798 | Remove http protocol | 30 (0.2%) | 4,478 (19.3%) | 18,768 | Remove https protocol | 48 (0.3%) | 4,526 (19.5%) | 18,720 | Compress inline CSS (YUI) | 192 (1.0%) | 4,718 (20.3%) | 18,528 |

Compress JS (Closure) | - | - | - |

Each consecutive compressor setting is applied on top of previous ones. In order to see JS and CSS compression results, YUI jar file must be present. All sizes are in bytes.

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 16, 2014 by Quick Ox

This does not work for any optimization level of closure.

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 16, 2014 by Quick Ox

I tried to run this on two machines

java version "1.7.0_51" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)


java version "1.6.0_30" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.1) (amazon- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.25-b01, mixed mode)

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium