What steps will reproduce the problem?
I Use the FLV in the haxeVideo-Beta2.zip with the haxevideo server... ok it's work
I User this FLV with FMS... the FLV don't work in FMS, in the FMS console i have the Server Log message :
Warning from libflv.dll: File contains bad meta data : C:\Program Files\Adobe\FMS2\applications\video\streams_definst_\test.flv (TCFLVData.cpp:507).
And in Flash the NetStream status info : NetStream.Buffer.Flush
- I Use the FLVMetadata Injector of Buraks to inject the metadatas.. The FLV work now in FMS but don't work with the HaxeVideo server !
In the cmd.exe console of the server i can read :
ERROR Corrupted FLV File 'video/test.flv'
- I test the flv in the SVN of the project (not the same) ... this FLV work in FMS and with the HaxeVideo server...
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
WinXP SP2 with FlashPlayer 9 standalone player.
Please provide any additional information below.
I Use the FLVMDI tool of buraks : http://www.buraks.com/flvmdi/ to convert the FLV... you use an encoder to encode your video or the Flash Encoder ?
EKA+ :)
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 1, 2007 by Happy MonkeyThe FLV provided with haxeVideo has not been encoded by myself, so I'm not sure why it doesn't play in FMS, and that's not a big problem.
I'll fix the bug once it's been FLVMetadata Inject'ed. Could you check that haxeVideo recorded FLVs are playing correctly with FMS ? I don't add any metadata to them but that should work without it.
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 1, 2007 by Swift PandaI have tested with an old FLV (with the FLVMedata injection) and this video works with the HaxeVideo server ?
For the moment i have the problem only with your test.flv in beta2 zip ? I must do some other tests.
Comment #3
Posted on Aug 20, 2007 by Happy MonkeyFLVs with metadatas does not cause 'Corrupted FLV File' error anymore
Status: Fixed