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gwt-oauth2 - issue #3

com.google.gwt.storage not found

Posted on May 31, 2011 by Helpful Camel

when i run one example with this library i get the below error. i'm using GWT eclipse plugin 2.2.0 on linux

04:10:53.710 ERROR? goauth? Line 24: The import com.google.gwt.storage cannot be resolved

Comment #1

Posted on May 31, 2011 by Helpful Giraffe

Which version of GWT are you using? Support for localStorage (which is what this module adds) was introduced in GWT 2.3 I believe. If you're using an older version of GWT you'll need to upgrade to 2.3 (and later 2.4) to use this library.

Comment #2

Posted on May 31, 2011 by Helpful Camel

thanks if i upgrade to gwt 2.3 the compiler error is gone. however i beleive this library doesn't support twitter oauth right? how do you do twitter authentication with your library?


-- E.othman Freelance Software Developer Linkedin: http://ma.linkedin.com/in/othmanelmoulat

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Comment #3

Posted on May 31, 2011 by Helpful Giraffe

That is correct, this library only facilitates OAuth 2.0 -- Twitter uses OAuth 1.0 for its authentication, so this library will not be useful for authenticating with Twitter.

For an example of authenticating using OAuth 1.0 with a GWT app, see this sample: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-examples/wiki/DemoGwtGData -- Note that this sample does OAuth using the server, and not solely in the client-side.

Status: Invalid

Type-Defect Priority-Medium