This library allows your app to easily interact with an OAuth 2.0 provider. It allows your users to grant access to your app to view and modify private data on their behalf using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
The sample application (see the code) demonstrates getting an access token with:
...though this library works with any OAuth 2.0 provider that supports the JavaScript flow.
The Getting Started guide describes using OAuth 2.0 with Google as the provider, though, again, the concepts should be the same for all OAuth 2.0 providers.
You can also read the library's JavaDoc.
NEW! The gwt-oauth2 library is now also available as a single 15.2KB JavaScript file usable in a regular non-GWT JavaScript environment! Check out the sample application and see the code
- If you believe you have found a bug, file a bug report.
- If you would like to see a sample using another provider, request a sample.
- If you know of a feature you'd like to see implemented in the library, or have ideas on how it could be better, either for you the developer or your end users, file a feature request.