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gwt-nes-port - issue #1

A & B Buttons Reversed

Posted on Jun 13, 2011 by Grumpy Giraffe

What version of Chrome are you using? Copy from about:version page

Chrome: version 12.0.742.91 8-Bit Hits: version 1.1.4

What steps will reproduce the problem?

The Z key is mapped to the A button on the NES controller, and the X button is mapped to the B button on the NES controller.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The mapping of the buttons should be reversed.

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 4, 2011 by Swift Giraffe

Just uploaded version 1.15 which fixes the reverse A and B controls, and also includes the ability to customize you controls as you see fit

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium