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gource - issue #234

Move old captions up, display new ones at bottom

Posted on Dec 12, 2014 by Massive Elephant

Currently, captions are displayed at the bottom of the screen and on top of each other (i.e. if multiple captions are currently on screen, new captions are added above them). As old captions fade away, new ones can then be added in their place.

However, depending on the caption duration and how often captions are displayed, you'll sometimes get a new caption at the bottom, then a gap, then old captions above that haven't yet disappeared (see attached screenshot). In other words, captions are not added consistently to the one place on screen.

I suggest making it so that new captions are added to the bottom of the screen but, when a new caption is added and there are still others on screen, the others move up and the new caption is added to the bottom of the screen (like an upside-down Twitter feed). This way, captions are consistently added to the same place on the screen.


Comment #1

Posted on Dec 15, 2014 by Grumpy Rabbit

Thanks for the suggestion, yes that might make more sense.

Anything that creates annoying unnecessary eye movements is probably bad.

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium