googlefontdirectory - issue #415
Not all of the fonts go inside the zip file that I downloaded
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Select the fonts you want to use. 2.Go to the "Use" page. 3.Download the fonts (yes, I know I don't need to, but I have to use them in Photoshop).
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I see that SOME fonts are there, but not all of them.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Windows XP SP3
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 6, 2015 by Grumpy DogThere is a filesize limit on that zip, so if you are trying to download many families, eventually you'll experience this.
One option is to take the bookmarkable URL, open it in a text editor, and chop it up and turn it into several URLs that each have a fraction of the families, then open each of those URLs and download them.
Alternatively you can use the other download options listed on the download dialog, or the latest method, which is to download the entire font collection from this Github repo: https://github.com/google/fonts/ (Using git rather than zip means that you can download the latest updates incrementally, without having to re-download files that didn't change.
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 7, 2015 by Grumpy DogOk, thank you for your reply.
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