
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
GDNSetup.msi The installer of Google Docs Notifier 2.1 (For Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7)  Featured  OpSys-Windows  Type-Installer Oct 5, 2011 642.5KB
Google Docs Notifier 2 Setup.msi The installer of Google Docs Notifier 2 (For Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7)  Featured  OpSys-Windows  Type-Installer  Deprecated Dec 20, 2010 637KB
GoogleDocsNotifier 2 Source The source code of Google Docs Notifier 2 (For C# Developers)  Type-Source Dec 20, 2010 1.26MB
GoogleDocsNotifier Source The source code of Google Docs Notifier 1.0 (For C# Developers)  Type-Source  Deprecated Jun 1, 2010 6.63MB
Google Docs Notifier 1.0 Installer.msi The installer of Google Docs Notifier 1.0  Featured  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Deprecated May 30, 2010 1.68MB
Google Docs Notifier 1.0 GCPH.png Google Docs Notifier 1.0 Poster  Deprecated May 30, 2010 13.38KB
Setup.msi Google Docs Notifier V0.9  Type-Installer  OpSys-Windows  Featured  Deprecated Mar 24, 2010 1.55MB