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googlecl - GuidingScripts.wiki

8 June 2015: GoogleCL is currently broken due to the OAuth1 turndown, and likely to remain so. Thanks for your support over the years, and apologies for the lack of prior notice.

summary Commands and scripts that GoogleCL CANNOT do, but would be nice to do.


Things we want GoogleCL to be able to do in the short term.

Upload a photo to picasa then email the link to all your contacts

Code: ```

picasa post --album album_to_post_to /path/to/photo.jpg picasa list url-site --album album_to_post > link_to_photo_in_album.txt mail --to contact1,contact2 --subject "New Photo!" link_to_photo_in_album.txt ``` Blocking: No Gmail python client library, no write access to gmail (read-only feeds), difficult to list photos unless you know precise tags / name of photo.


Things that would be really super cool if GoogleCL could do them. They may be totally feasible given a decent amount of time, or insanely difficult.

Arbitrary gdata calls

Not all gdata APIs have python convenience libraries. It'd be great if I could use googlecl to make calls to the underlying AtomPub / JSON services. The command line options might not look as pretty, but googlecl might then be able to be come forward-compatible with new gdata APIs.

For example, say I want to use Google Maps geocoding features even though they're not "natively" supported by googlecl. I find the documentation page for the javascript library: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/services.html#GeocodingRequests and somehow pass enough information to googlecl for it to construct the proper (potentially very ugly) request object and display the (potentially very ugly) response object.

Search Google for top results, summaries, links, etc.

Code: ```

search --csv 'omgponies' "OMG! Ponies!","Apr 9, 2010","OMG! Ponies! is powered by WordPress 2.9.1 and Re...","www.omg-ponies.com/"

[...] ``` Blocking: Google search results aren't involved with the GData protocol - a separate HTTP client would have to be written.

Get latitude and longitude for arbitrary addresses

Code: ```

maps search --latlong "1600 Amphitheatre 94043" 122.1234091,38.12313587,12 ``` Blocking: No client libraries.

Translate text via Google translate

Code: ```

translate --to "French" "this cheese is delicious" ``` Blocking: No python client library, low priority