What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. <same as instructed on the Google code site>
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected Output - Should give me the expected result of GSD.
Here is the output i am getting - C:\gsd-0.7.3>java -jar gsd.jar -shS -t 2 test_gsd.jar goo.graphml com.test.gsd Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 735 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source) at com.google.singletondetector.SingletonDetector.getClassReader(Unknown Source) at com.google.singletondetector.SingletonDetector.buildCrlist(Unknown So urce) at com.google.singletondetector.SingletonDetector.getClassReaders(Unknow n Source) at com.google.singletondetector.SingletonDetector.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.google.singletondetector.Main.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.google.singletondetector.Main.main(Unknown Source)
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.7.3 - Win XP
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 2, 2007 by Quick MonkeyThe exception trace doesn't reveal much ... I think its getting lost in the asm classes. Its not even reaching my sample class.
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