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google-safe-browsing - issue #6

50.000 pages from my website flagged as forgery by mistake and unindexed from google

Posted on Mar 30, 2010 by Happy Wombat

The website messentools.com has been flagged as a phishing/forgery website by mistake. This warning (Reported Web Forgery) is displayed on near 50.000 internal pages under messentools.com/es/.

I received a message from Google webmaster tools on November 2009, notifying me of forgery problem. The URL specified on the message was http://www.messentools.com/images/avhttp://www.messentools.com/images/avatars/comida/Avatars-Food-www.MessenTools.com-80-2XxxPimxxX.jpgatars/comida/Avatars-Food-www.MessenTools.com-80-2XxxPimxxX.jpg. As that URL does not exist, at that time I considered it was an error from Google, and I filled the "Incorrect Phishing Warning" form with the url specified and the main domain (messentools.com).

Now since 3/26/10 all the pages under www.messentools.com/es/ are flagged (more than 50.000 internal pages), and all those pages was totally unindexed and removed from Google search results (site:www.messentools.com/es/ has no results).

This is a totally clean and safe website, working since two years ago without problems, I have checked the whole server for phishing or malware code and its clean. I need please a solution for this mistake.


Comment #1

Posted on Jun 17, 2011 by Happy Lion

look mate the chrome project isn't secure thus the keys for the net only unlock unfortunataly with ms explorer ver watever thus there is always thevicelog vol12 if we really wane make this antimattirial from maths and antimater as is a compute condition to exicution and formation of matter/creation of fysics but the pc always must start with the proper dos 3.0 condition and running the programe from there only and if the rom has been ecounter correctly to form the sensor...i believe boss the allmighty has His one sensor frequencies other than the known to me...telling you proper version candy to been eaten kindly sujestion cpt james hood thooses leeks must seeld somesorthow

Comment #2

Posted on Apr 18, 2015 by Helpful Giraffe


Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium