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google-maps-utility-library-v3 - issue #344

markercluster : markers exist that are not in my data set

Posted on Oct 27, 2015 by Swift Wombat

Demo link or sample code: http://www.trbolnk.com/dmr/simple_example.html

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. goto the above website, scroll into the Manhattan area of NY, it will show a "3", you can't zoom in on it to the point that the 3 becomes markers, but when you click on the three at the last zoom level, it shows a info window for a company called "MED NY", This data is not in my data set. 2. Chicago has a similar one, few other spots as well.

Expected result: to see my data, not random data [Describe what you expected to happen]

Actual result: seeing weird data [Describe what actually happened]

Version: 1.0.2

Browser / Operating System: OSX [e.g. FF3 / MacOSX]

Additional comments: [Enter any additional comments about the bug here.]

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Status: New