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google-maps-utility-library-v3 - issue #342

Not initiated properly when bulk adding markers

Posted on Oct 22, 2015 by Happy Cat

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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Add about 500 markers in a loop. 2. Immediately after the loop block, initiate the MarkerClusterer. 3. Click on a marker; it should appear properly. 4. Click on a second marker; it will bring up the location of the first marker. 5. Click on the second marker again; it will show the correct location after clicking on it again.

Expected result: Clicking on the second marker the first time should bring up the location of the second marker.

Actual result: It brings up the location of the first marker.

Version: 2.1.1

Browser / Operating System: Google Chrome 47 / Windows 7 32-bit

Additional comments: It appears when creating the marker cluster immediately after adding a lot of markers in a loop, the map sometimes has unpredicable behavior as described above.

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Status: New