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google-maps-utility-library-v3 - issue #340

Transit stations are still not clickable

Posted on Jun 16, 2015 by Helpful Bird

Demo link or sample code: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Just open the url above 2. Navigate to Tokyo 3. Click on a transit station, like a train station.

Expected result: A popup should appear with information, same as for other POI's. A tooltip should appear when hovering one.

Actual result: Nothing.

Version: (whatever the above url uses)

Browser / Operating System: FF38 / Win7

Additional comments: This issue has been reported before, but somehow got lost. The actual problem has been arround for YEARS. Basically since the v3 API was introduced, this feature got removed. It needs to be added back, and this needs to happens very soon. It's embarassing to have this not working for so incredibly long.

Please let us know when this feature will be re-added. And then also please keep that promise. I don't think this issue qualifies for a "we'll think about it" anymore. It's been far longer that it should've been, and it's well past the time to get this thing fixed for once.

Sorry for being blunt, but after so long of this feature missing in action, I think I'm entitled to a bit of grumpyness. JSYK.

Status: New