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google-maps-utility-library-v3 - issue #329

select tags not working inside richmarkers

Posted on Oct 7, 2014 by Massive Elephant

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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a richmarker with an <select> element and options inside as the richmarker's content. 2. set richmarker to an google map, and open it up. 3. Try clicking on the select dropdown menu.

Expected result: select dropdown menu opens up, allow you to select options.

Actual result: select dropdown menu doesn't open.

Browser / Operating System: This happens in the latest version of FF (32.0.3) and IE 10. but works in webkit browsers.

Additional comments: I've added an click event listener to the select element, and it does pick up the click. but it wouldnt open the drop down menu.

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Status: New