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ID Status Summary
182 New Better Admin FavIcons
181 New angosso template joomla free
180 New Validate 100% joomla site Type-Defect Priority-Medium
179 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic Feb4 DocLicense
178 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic Feb4 DocLicense
177 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach basic Feb4 DocLicense
176 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Feb4 Basic DocLicense
175 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Feb4 Basic DocLicense
174 Withdrawn Write a document explaining how to create and use an editor.css file Documentation DocLicense Basic Feb4 gpl
173 Withdrawn Implement Smoothbox, Thickbox for mootools as a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin Code GPL Advanced EndofContest Amy
172 Withdrawn Create Interactive Polls using Ajax or Javascript in Joomla! v 1.5 Code GPL Advanced EndofContest
171 Closed Document how to add TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin to Joomla! v 1.5 Documentation Basic DocLicense claimedby-Drmmr763
170 Closed Implement MetaWeblog API to interact with Joomla! v 1.5 xml-rpc plugin Code GPL Advanced EndofContest claimedby-Justo.deRivera
169 Closed Identify Joomla! v 1.5 Websites in Joomla! Site Showcase Outreach TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Amy claimedby-baneweb
168 Closed Implement Avatar/Gravatars for Joomla! v 1.5 Code Advanced TwoWeeks GPL claimedby-depresz
167 Closed Create a Video of the GHOP Joomla! Quickstart Guide Task #48 Training Advanced TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-miccas
166 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Menu Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic claimedby-ramsay.james
165 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Menu Manager Wilco QualityAssurance TwoDays Basic claimedby-depresz
164 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Template Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic claimedby-depresz
163 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Template Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays basic DocLicense claimedby-ramsay.james
162 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Media Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic claimedby-Milosz.Lewandowski
161 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Media Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic DocLicense
160 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package for the Front Page Manager QualityAssurance Wilco twod Basic claimedby-depresz
159 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Front Page Maager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic
158 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Article Manager QualityAssurance Wilco TwoDays Basic claimedby-Kevin8020
157 Closed Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Article Manager QualityAssurance TwoDays Basic Wilco claimedby-tungolcild
156 NotCompleted Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-AshtonPatMurphy
155 NotCompleted Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-fantastic91
154 Closed Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-android93
153 Closed Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not for profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-chitsabesh
152 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-gopi991
151 Closed Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-miccas
150 Closed Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-ramsay.james
149 Withdrawn Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-m.garciarodriguez
148 NotCompleted Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-joomgafadi
147 Closed Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not for profit organization. Outreach Basic FourWeeks DocLicense Amy claimedby-netantho
146 Closed Select a Team Blog and translate it into a non-English language. Translation Basic two jedl
145 Withdrawn Select a Team Blog and translate it into a non-English language Type-Defect Priority-Medium
144 Closed Create a Facebook Application using Joomla! v 1.5 Code Advanced FourWeeks GPL claimedby-chalet16
143 Closed Implement Open Flash Chart as a Joomla! v 1.5 Extension Code Advanced FourWeeks GPL claimedby-annerjb
142 NotCompleted Implement Mapping as a Joomla! v 1.5 Extension Code Advanced FourWeeks GPL
141 Closed Implement JWChat as a Joomla! v 1.5 extension(s) (Advanced) Code Advanced FourWeeks GPL claimedby-s.kromwijk
140 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Blog Sidebar Calendar Component Code gpl FourWeeks Advanced claimedby-Justo.deRivera
139 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Twitter Module Code gpl TwoWeeks Basic claimedby-benhiller
138 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Slideshare Module Code gpl Basic TwoWeeks claimedby-jgirata
137 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Module to display JSON Feeds Code TwoWeeks Basic GPL claimedby-v.golev
136 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Module for linkrolls code gpl two Basic claimedby-v.golev
135 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Module to implement Technorati searchlet. code gpl TwoWeeks Basic claimedby-Milosz.Lewandowski
134 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Module for Digg List Stories code basic TwoWeeks GPL
133 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Module for meebome Instant Messaging Code Advanced TwoWeeks GPL
132 Withdrawn Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin for Odeo code TwoWeeks Basic GPL
131 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin for Odeo Type-Defect Priority-Medium claimedby-annerjb code gpl TwoWeeks Basic
130 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin to implement A List Apart's Automatic Magazine Layout code gpl two Basic claimedby-s.kromwijk
129 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin for Footnotes with CSS and Javascript code gp TwoWeeks Basic claimedby-chalet16
128 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 CSS for Bar Graphs Plugin code TwoWeeks Basic GPL claimedby-thomasfedb
127 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Content Plugin to embed Scribd Documents code GPL TwoWeeks Basic claimedby-skromwijk
126 Closed Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin to update Twitter status with article title when published Code Basic Twoweeks GPL claimedby-depresz
125 Closed Create a Blog Entry Date Calendar Icon Plugin for Joomla! v 1.5 Code GPL Basic TwoWeeks claimedby-depresz
124 Withdrawn Create a Joomla! v 1.5 System Plugin to Integrate with Mediawiki Code gpl TwoWeeks basic
123 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation Basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 Ole claimedby-unndomiell Bulgarian
122 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 Ole Czech
121 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Spanish claimedby-md.bustos90
120 Withdrawn Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation Basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 Ole
119 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation Basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 ole claimedby-fantastic91 serbian
118 Closed Create art that captures the spirit of All Together, As a Whole Outreach Advanced FourWeeks DocLicense claimedby-slogen123
117 Closed Create art that captures the spirit of All Together, As a Whole Outreach FourWeeks Advanced DocLicense Amy claimedby-trombonechamp
116 NotCompleted Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 Ole Ukrainian claimedby-EvgeniyFilatov
115 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation Basic TwoWeeks CCANCSA3 Chinesetraditional claimedby-medicalwei Ole
114 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language Translation CCANCSA3 TwoWeeks Basic Ole claimedby-netantho French
113 Closed Translate part of the Installation Manual into a non-English language Translation DocLicense TwoWeeks basic Ole CCANCSA3 claimedby-helena.drolc
112 Closed Write a document describing how to package a Joomla! 1.5 template for distribution documentation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense Chris claimedby-littlegeniuz
111 Closed Create a document entitled "How to remove "WWW" from your Domain Name and Documenation DocLicense Advanced FourWeeks claimedby-davydov.stas
110 Closed Create a document entitled "Joomla! v 1.5 SEF URLs" Documenation DocLicense Basic TwoWeeks claimedby-Benjamin.Haettasch
109 Closed Write a document explaining how to use the banners component and module featuring parts of a website Documenation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-baneweb
108 Closed Write a document explaining how to use the news flash module to display a random or rotating selection of texts. Documenation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-TJ.Ferrell
107 Closed Write a document explaining how to use the core Joomla! contact functions to create a services or resources directory Documenation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-Drmmr763
106 Closed Write a document explaining how to use core Joomla! functions for a simple photo gallery or portfolio. Documenation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-arifshay.oertonay
105 Closed Write a document explaining how to use core Joomla! functions to offer file downloads. Documenation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-camporter1
104 Closed Write a document explaining how to create a custom HTML module. Documenation TwoWeeks basic DocLicense claimedby-e.urbach
103 NotCompleted Research commercially available training materials for Joomla! Training Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense Michelle claimedby-exhnozoaa
102 Closed Write a document describing how to set up a local help server. documentation basic TwoWeeks DocLicense Chris claimedby-igeoffi
101 NotCompleted Write a document describing how to create a toolbar in a component. documentation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-kleinheero
100 NotCompleted Write a document describing how to use the JPagination class in a component. documentation basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-jbelani1
99 Closed Write a document describing how to add JavaScript and CSS to the page from an extension. documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Chris claimedby-fealebenpae
98 Withdrawn Write a document describing how to store data in the session between page loads. documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Chris
97 Withdrawn Write a document describing how to add a popup window to a Joomla! 1.5 component. documentation DocLicense basic TwoWeeks Chris claimedby-mandrex
96 Withdrawn Write a document describing how to use the FTP layer in Joomla! 1.5 components. documentation Advanced FourWeeks DocLicense Chris
95 Closed Write a document describing the extension parameter types available and how to use them. documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Chris
94 Withdrawn Write a document explaining the concept of "lazy loading" and how it is implemented in Joomla! 1.5. documentation Feb4 Basic DocLicense Chris
93 Closed Write a document on how to replace the logo image in the Milkyway template. documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Chris claimedby-deckers.olivier
92 NotCompleted Write a document on PHP essentials for template designers. documentation Priority-Medium Basic Chris DocLicense claimedby-tungolcild
91 Closed Write a document on how to create a language definition file for a Joomla! 1.5 template. documentation Priority-Medium Basic Chris DocLicense claimedby-Milosz.Lewandowski
90 Closed Identify and document frequently asked questions in the Joomla! 1.0 General forum documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense Elin claimedby-klaus.thenmayer
89 Closed Identify and document frequently asked questions in the Joomla! 1.5 General forum. documentation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense Elin claimedby-annas.rahman
88 Closed Create a two-page document entitled "Creating a Custom 404 page" documentation TwoWeeks Basic DocLicense claimedby-k00lstuffks
87 Withdrawn Withdrawn documentation Priority-Medium
86 Withdrawn Withdrawn documentation Priority-Medium
85 Closed Create a document entitled "How to include Slimbox in your Joomla! Website." documentation Basic TwoWeeks DocLicense claimedby-Daniel.sadik
84 Closed Create a document entitled "How to include Squeezebox in your Joomla! Website." documentation Basic DocLicense TwoWeeks claimedby-d.c.ddcc
83 Closed Create a document entitled "Mootools Tips and Tricks" documentation Basic ThreeWeeks DocLicense claimedby-theY4Kman