
ID Status Summary
667 New onPreparePanel for voice menu is called when menu closes instead of before menu opens Type-Defect Priority-Medium
666 New Intent for Bluetooth Discoverability Type-Enhancement
665 New google glass app authentication in php Type-Defect Priority-Medium
664 New Video become Corrupted if the glass shut down due to battery-end Type-Defect Priority-Medium
663 New GooglePlay Service Not Available due to error 1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
662 New Add "ok glass" in my video while it playing, Type-Defect Priority-Medium
661 New Speech recognition call back only one result on google glass Type-Defect Priority-Medium
660 New Unable to run GDK Samples Type-Defect Priority-Medium
659 New Glass Eye Gesture API Request Type-Enhancement
658 New Commit to upgrade GDK to Android 5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
657 New GDK mirror.accounts.insert().. issue. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
656 New Custom MENU CardView renders as TITLE Type-Defect Priority-Medium
655 WorkingAsIntended Live Card projects: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
654 New Record Video without Sound using MediaRecorder Type-Enhancement
653 New Develop Glass Standard Menu Controls Type-Enhancement
652 New Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 1842 (CompositorRaste) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
651 Pending Video Recording Intent (ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE) is not making use of any of the extras I am attaching to it. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
650 Invalid Issues with mirror.accounts.insert Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Mirror-API
649 Accepted CardScrollAdapter doc refers to Card class vs. CardBuilder Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Docs
648 WorkingAsIntended CardBuilder.Layout.ALERT's icon does not scale, especially when using the recommended ic_cloud_sad_150.png Type-Defect Priority-Medium
647 New Tomcat5.0.57+Java Glassware: org.apache.jasper.el.ELContextImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.jasper.runtime.ELContextImpl Type-Defect Priority-Medium
646 New LocationManager.getProviders(criteria,true) returns disabled provider Type-Defect Priority-Medium
645 New There is no constant for remote_gps provider in LocationManager class Type-Defect Priority-Medium
644 New Problem with Registering Broadcast Receiver Type-Defect Priority-Medium
643 New Using Android Wear notifications, picture is not shown with BigPictureStyle Type-Defect Priority-Medium
642 RevisitLater Eye Gesture API Type-Enhancement Priority-Later Component-GDK
641 New all to MediaCodec.getCapabilitiesForType() throws IllegalArgumentException Type-Defect Priority-Medium
640 New Google Glass: disable turn on while it's charging Type-Defect Priority-Medium
639 Pending A second call to Camera.takePicture() crashes the mediaserver if Camera.Parameters.setRecordingHint() is true Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-18580175
638 New Google glass device not detected by a Windows 8.1 computer Type-Defect Priority-Medium
637 Accepted occasionally hangs without throwing an exception - only power off helps Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-18417010
636 New wrong value of field of view Type-Defect Priority-Medium
635 New problem with google glass Type-Defect Priority-Medium
634 New Camera spot metering Type-Defect Priority-Medium
633 Invalid GDK iso Type-Defect Priority-Medium
632 Accepted java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find pointer '2' in reference point: At time 43625057: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-18333193
631 New Glass does not recognize "Explore the stars with" command Type-Defect Priority-Medium
630 Obsolete WakeLock obstruction touchInputs (onGenericMotionEvent not fired after wakelock on) Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
629 New Audio recording not working with contextual voice command Type-Defect Priority-Medium
628 New Would like to have setting to turn on/off google app Type-Defect Priority-Medium
627 Fixed Card Scroll example code is incorrect Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Docs log-18205353
626 New Contextual Voice Command menu not scrollable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
625 Pending Screen-dim wake locks do not handle user input properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
624 Pending ADB Wireless: Not connecting! Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Other-API
623 Accepted Camera exposure compensation parameters has no effect Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-12189376
622 New Ability to set default app to start using camera button Type-Defect Priority-Medium
621 New Long words arbitrarily broken down in CardBuilder.Layout.COLUMNS layout Type-Defect Priority-Medium
620 Pending Ability to keep the options menu open after handling OnOptionsItemSelected() Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
619 WontFix ListView.setSelection() stopped working after upgrade to XE22 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
618 New PackageManager incorrectly reports Camera feature. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
617 Pending Camera Intent picture file not observable first try Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
616 Pending setCameraPreview Black Screen of Death Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
615 Invalid Essential enhancement Type-Defect Priority-Medium
614 Invalid Make it possible to use YouTube on the google glass. Type-Enhancement
613 Invalid Make a better battery that lasts longer! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
612 Pending Camera not taking pictures or scanning QR code Type-Defect Priority-Medium
611 Accepted Make voice command availability indicator less disturbing Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-17966918
610 Pending ExifInterface doesn't work in Google Glass Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
609 New Bluetooth speed downgrades: Repeated wake lock release; aborting release: bluedroid_timer Type-Defect Priority-Medium
608 New Force manual version update or force version check Type-Defect Priority-Medium
607 New Please approve current voice commands to also be menu commands without development permission Type-Defect Priority-Medium
606 New accountManager.getAccounts() doesn't return account I inserted with Google Mirror API Type-Defect Priority-Medium
605 New Documentation for Python Mirror API is out of date Type-Defect Priority-Medium
604 New Android keystore broken for enterprise wifi usage Type-Defect Priority-Medium
603 New Trigger sound when Browser receives a TAP gesture Type-Enhancement
602 Accepted Missing API Level number in docs for deprecated Card class Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Docs log-17438015
601 Pending SensorManager issue with new update XE20.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
600 New Google Glass :Consuming voice commands while app is running Type-Defect Priority-Medium
599 Invalid Google_Client problem developing Glass app Type-Defect Priority-Medium
598 New USB mouse displays cursor, but buttons and scroll wheel are non-functional Type-Defect Priority-Medium
597 New Wifi disconnects in XE20.1 and won't reconnect until reboot // get mixed-up with Bluetooth Type-Defect Priority-Medium
596 New Enable a new mode with USB-OTG and charging Type-Defect Priority-Medium
595 New capable to turn off built in livecards Type-Enhancement
594 Accepted Support ACTION_VIEW intent to play video with the Glass video player Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-17723069
593 New Unable to open database: unable to open database file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
592 New Impossible to manage power and turn screen on/off properly in GDK Type-Defect Priority-Medium
591 New camera hardware teardown fails Type-Defect Priority-Medium
590 New find a bike and find a place voice commands are indistinguishable on Glass Type-Defect Priority-Medium
589 New Google Glass GDK: Bluetooth discoverable Intent Type-Defect Priority-Medium
588 Accepted Google+ Auto-Backup not working for app created images Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK log-16976503
587 New Browser does not support redirect after short URL resolved Type-Defect Priority-Medium
586 New AVD for Glass Type-Enhancement
585 New Unable to host PHP client Type-Defect Priority-Medium
584 New USB webcam On-The-Go (OTG) on Glass - startPreview Failed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
583 New No callback function works for Contextual voice commands Type-Defect Priority-Medium
582 Pending Bluetooth or wired microphone request. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
581 New Sip Not Supported in Google Glass Type-Defect Priority-Medium
580 New My Glass app Logs out to system log Glass name and Mac address Type-Defect Priority-Medium
579 New Provide an official way to Bluetooth pair Glass with other Bluetooth devices that have no UI (Wearables). Type-Defect Priority-Medium
578 Fixed MediaRecorder fails to capture video after update XE19.1. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-GDK log-16519002
577 New Glass Directions should allow for more interactions while live card is active Type-Defect Priority-Medium
576 WorkingAsIntended Unable to run GDK Samples Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
575 New Playground doesn't render the same HTML before and after posting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
574 New GDK Card.ImageLayout.FULL does not match docs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
573 New Even out ImageLayout.LEFT mosaic Type-Enhancement
572 New Add 30px icon in footer of Card Type-Enhancement
571 New Unable to customise Glass contextual voice menu in an immersion *after* its initial setup Type-Enhancement
570 Duplicate Livecard focus/blur/show/hide events Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GDK
569 New Timeline update Listener for GDK Type-Defect Priority-Medium
568 New TimelineItem-alike HTML renderer for GDK Type-Enhancement