google-coredumper - issue #18
Coredumper library dumps 2 core files and crashes the system on x86 32 bit platform
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Build the coredump library for 32 bit system ./configure "CFLAGS=-m32" "CXXFLAGS=-m32" "LDFLAGS=-m32" make make install
call WriteCoreDump("core.test") in signal handler int main(void) { struct sigaction sa; sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sa.sa_sigaction = coredump_signal_handler;
if( sigaction( SIGABRT, &sa, NULL ) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "core dump signal handler failed %s.\n", strerror(errno)); } }
void coredump_signal_handler(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *data) { const char *core_test = "core.test";
/* Keep going, we generated a core file,
** but we didn't crash.
program the code to call abort() in some other function.
Run the process.
Expected Output: core.test should be generated and the process should continue after dumping core.
Observed output: 2 core files are generated: core.test and core.tScriptTerm.5031.6. And the system crashes after dumping the core files.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I am using 1.2.1 version of core dumper library on linux Centos OS 6.6.
Please provide any additional information below. To fix the run time issue with the library, I modified the fpxregs structure in ./src/elfcore.c line # 87 as follows
if defined(i386) || defined(x86_64)
#if !defined(x86_64) typedef struct fpregs { /* FPU registers / uint32_t cwd; uint32_t swd; uint32_t twd; uint32_t fip; uint32_t fcs; uint32_t foo; uint32_t fos; uint32_t st_space[20]; / 8*10 bytes for each FP-reg = 80 bytes / } fpregs; typedef struct fpxregs { / SSE registers / #define FPREGS fpxregs #else typedef struct fpxregs { / x86-64 stores FPU registers in SSE struct / } fpxregs; typedef struct fpregs { / FPU registers */ #define FPREGS fpregs #endif
ifdef KM15062015
uint16_t cwd;
uint16_t swd;
uint16_t twd;
uint16_t fop;
uint32_t fip;
uint32_t fcs;
uint32_t foo;
uint32_t fos;
uint32_t mxcsr;
uint32_t mxcsr_mask;
uint32_t st_space[32]; /* 8*16 bytes for each FP-reg = 128 bytes */
uint32_t xmm_space[64]; /* 16*16 bytes for each XMM-reg = 128 bytes */
uint32_t padding[24];
} FPREGS; #undef FPREGS #define regs i386_regs /* General purpose regi
Please let me know if you need any other information.
Thanks Kshitij
Status: New