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ID Status Summary
313 New Patch for /trunk/testfw/com/google/common/collect/testing/ Type-Patch
312 New Create an alternative to commons-collections MultiKey
311 WontFix GWT Module missing
310 Duplicate Allow asMap() to return a Map which has defined value Collections
309 Invalid equals is not implemented for Collections2.filter
308 Moved MemoryLeak(?) when using expiration in MapMaker
307 Moved OutOfMemoryError when using MapMaker and Soft/Weak-Keys/Values
306 Moved with/withoutmethods on immutable collections
305 Moved CusomConcurrentHashMap.Values should override toArray(T[])
304 WontFix Be consistent with [Collection]*[Collection](...)
303 Moved add transformEntries method to Maps and SortedMaps Milestone-Post1.0
302 WontFix LinkedListMultimap values should be of type Deque<V>
301 Duplicate static method Functions.toStringFunction() should be parametrized
300 Moved Please provide Sets.symmetricDifference() Milestone-Post1.0
299 WontFix Easy way to deal with null Iterables when looping
298 Duplicate Make public
297 WontFix Predicates.equalTo() should return a Predicate<Object>
296 WontFix broken checksums in maven artefacts for rc4
295 Invalid MapMaker with weak keys: keySet() doubles reference counts in map Milestone-1.0
294 WontFix Preconditions.checkArgumentNotNull
293 Moved Make ImmutableClassToInstanceMap Serializable Milestone-Post1.0
292 Moved No Treap Implementation
291 Moved Maps.transformValues for SortedMap Milestone-Post1.0
290 Moved Find/Filter for Lists that returns indices Milestone-Post1.0
289 Fixed more missing tests Milestone-1.0
288 Moved Position based access of LinkedListMultimap Milestone-Post1.0
287 WontFix Iterators/Iterable Enhancement/Addition request
286 WontFix MapMaker expiration does not reset on duplicate put()
285 WontFix Sets.immutableEnumSet() or ImmutableEnumSet.of()? Milestone-1.0
284 Fixed Remove or commit to ImmutableSorted{Map,Set}FauxverideShim.copyOf() Milestone-1.0
283 Duplicate Implement TreeBiMap
282 Invalid getByValue in BiHashMap
281 WontFix Enhancement request - PeekingListIterator Milestone-Post1.0
280 WontFix UnmodifiableIterable?
279 WontFix Immutable builder remove() method
278 WontFix Utility methods 'isEmpty' and 'size' of Iterables and Iterators utility classes should be null safe
277 WontFix Missing utility method in Predicates to compare identity of objects
276 Duplicate Missing 'List filter(List unfiltered, Predicate predicate)' method in Lists utility class
275 Moved Throw NPE instead of JavaScriptException Milestone-Post1.0
274 Moved Contribution: call to exhaust a given iterator while preserving the last n elements Milestone-Post1.0
273 Fixed Run nested test classes under GWT once Milestone-1.0
272 Moved Audit System.arraycopy() calls for GWT safety Milestone-Post1.0
271 Moved Disable or fix GWT serialization for classes without serializers Milestone-Post1.0
270 Fixed Iterators.forArray(Object[], int, int) third parameter is WRONG! Milestone-1.0
269 Moved GWT serialization checklist Milestone-Post1.0
268 Moved should EnumBiMap and EnumHashBiMap be @GwtCompatible? Milestone-Post1.0
267 Invalid TreeMultimap does not define equals() method
266 WontFix Multistack
265 Fixed add serialVersionUID to base classes?
264 WontFix Naming issue with Multiset.count(Object) Milestone-1.0
263 Fixed Rename ImmutableMultiset.Builder.add(E, int) to addCopies(E, int) Milestone-1.0
262 Fixed Investigate poor test coverage for Maps.filterEntries().keySet() Milestone-1.0
261 Fixed Missing test coverage for Ordering Milestone-1.0
260 Moved Missing MapMaker tests Milestone-1.0
259 Fixed missing ForwardingSortedSetTest Milestone-1.0
258 Fixed TreeMultimap returns wrong sizes and items after tailSet().clear()
257 WontFix Move/copy `Splitter` from Guava into Collections
256 Moved Document ImmutableMap's thread safety guarantees Milestone-Post1.0
255 Invalid MapMaker to support identity maps
254 WontFix Iterators.size(Iterator): counting collection elements must not overflow
253 Fixed [RFE] Consider adding ImmutableList.Builder.add(E...) and ImmutableList.Builder.addAll(Iterator<? extends E>)
252 Moved NullPointerException in MapMaker
251 WontFix Change multiset's toString
250 WontFix Equality comparison semantics for weak/soft references in MapMaker
249 Invalid Missing @Nullable annotations
248 Invalid NullPointerException in Multiset.add
247 Invalid NullPointerException in Multimap.put, putAll, and replaceValues
246 Invalid NullPointerException in BiMap.put and BiMap.forcePut
245 Fixed NullPointerException in Functions.forMap().hashCode() Type-Defect Milestone-1.0
244 Invalid NullPointerException in Function.apply
243 Moved Serialization Refactoring Support Type-Enhancement Milestone-Post1.0
242 Moved MapMaker - removal notification Type-Enhancement Milestone-Post1.0
241 Moved Request: add exhaust() and extract() methods to Iterators and Iterables Type-Enhancement Milestone-Post1.0
240 Fixed Preconditions.check{Element,Position}Index return values Type-Enhancement Milestone-1.0
239 Fixed Get rid of the ForwardingMap.create* methods, and view-collection fields Milestone-1.0 Type-Defect
238 WontFix add filter() method in Lists class, as it exists in Collections2 and Sets
237 Fixed consider alternate URL constructor in DecoupledLoader Milestone-1.0 Type-Defect
236 Duplicate MapMaker to create a bounded cache Milestone-Post1.0
235 Duplicate Missing LinkedHashBiMap
234 WontFix ImmutableMap fails on null value
233 Fixed incorrect javadoc
232 WontFix Creating a map from varargs
231 WontFix Remove all the higher-order functions and support classes from the library
230 WontFix Aggregation Methods
229 Moved ImmutableCollection.asList() Milestone-Post1.0 Type-Enhancement
228 Fixed Add a `Splitter` class
227 WontFix Add Iterables.fromIterator()
226 Invalid Functions to support Enumerations
225 Fixed instanceof PeekingIterator check in Iterators.peekingIterator Milestone-1.0 Type-Defect
224 WontFix AbstractIterator shouldn't extend UnmodifiableIterator
223 WontFix Request: EmptyIterator.remove() should throw IllegalStateException
222 WontFix Using create to create a Multimap and using synchronizedMultimaps breaks generics
221 WontFix Request: Enhance the Forwarding* classes to actually "hold" the decorated state
220 Moved OrderedIterators support Milestone-Post1.0 Type-Enhancement
219 Moved Sets.transform(Set<F>, InvertibleFunction<F, T>) Milestone-Post1.0
218 Moved Add a fold method for Iterables Milestone-Post1.0 Type-Enhancement
217 Moved Itera*s.getFirst(Iterator<T>, T) - and add the ", T" overloads for other Iter*s methods Milestone-Post1.0 Type-Enhancement
216 WontFix Possible to clone an ImmutableList.Builder (copy constructor)
215 Fixed Documentation for ImmutableSortedMap.Builder incorrect
214 WontFix Creating an empty immutable collection