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google-caja - issue #1962

Cross-frame for-in is broken on Firefox 37, 38 beta

Posted on Apr 6, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

Firefox 37 and 38.0 beta.

var o = frame.untame(frame.iframe.contentWindow.eval('({})')); for (var x in o) {}

The for loop throws "TypeError: undefined is not a function". This shouldn't even be possible (without proxies, and there aren't any proxies here), so it's probably a browser bug.

Any untame()d record object exhibits the problem. The unsafe eval is just to have less machinery involved.

Other language meta-operations (e.g. getOwnPropertyNames) on the object work normally.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

Further debugging says:

• The taming membrane is not actually involved at all; simply looping on an object constructed in the SES frame, from the outer frame, is sufficient.

• If I load SES in a frame (not the rest of Caja), then the problem occurs. If I disable the root call to clean() in startSES, then it does not.

Comment #2

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

I instrumented cleanProperty to check for the problem before and after each deletion. It indicated the problem being at cajaVM.anonIntrinsics.IteratorPrototype.next.

If I whitelist this property as '*', then the problem goes away.

I turn this over to MarkM to determine whether this is a bug in Firefox that it cares about the property, or something we need to support for ES6-world.

Comment #3

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Panda

This is a bug in Firefox. for/of must depend on .next and break if you delete it. for/in must not.

Comment #4

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

OK. Can you take care of reporting it?

(Oh, also note that it only occurs cross-frame; for-in does not throw when evaluated in the frame which has had the property deleted.)

Comment #5

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

Standalone test case (partly constructed from the cajaVM.anonIntrinsics code).

Bizarrely, the thrown TypeError may appear in the console before the rest of the messages, depending on version and whether the console is open when the page is loaded.

var frame = document.getElementById('tmf'); var frwin = frame.contentWindow; var iteratorSym = frwin.Symbol.iterator; var arrayIter = (new frwin.Array())[iteratorSym](); var ArrayIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(arrayIter); var arrayIterProtoBase = Object.getPrototypeOf(ArrayIteratorPrototype); var IteratorPrototype = arrayIterProtoBase; console.log(IteratorPrototype.next); delete IteratorPrototype.next; console.log(IteratorPrototype.next); var tam = frwin.eval('({})'); console.log('(1) About to fail'); for (var x in tam) { console.log('(1)', x); } console.log('(1) Didn\'t fail');

Comment #6

Posted on Apr 8, 2015 by Happy Panda

Reported at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1152550

Comment #7

Posted on Apr 9, 2015 by Happy Panda

From the discussion on the bugzilla bug thread, it looks likely that Firefox's behavior is correct by ES6 and is simply the first browser to implement the ES6 behavior here rather than the ES5 behavior. We need to fix this on the Caja side. The easiest fix, if we decide it is safe, is to whitelist cajaVM.anonIntrinsics.IteratorPrototype.next .

Does anyone see any problem whitelisting this? If you were going to look for a possible exploit this enables, where would you look?

Comment #8

Posted on Apr 13, 2015 by Happy Kangaroo

FWIW, I haven't consulted the spec, but this should be a purely local operator (i.e. it mutates its arguments/this only) so it should be safe.

Comment #9

Posted on Apr 13, 2015 by Happy Panda

See the bugzilla thread. The spec is actually ambiguous and we've agreed to tighten it up so it is safe for ES7 -- by making the .next used by the spec be an own property of the unobservable iterator driving the iteration, and so itself unobservable. It also sounds like FF will adopt this in its implementation as well.

So SES only needs to change something (likely: whitelist .next) if cross-frame for/in needs to work for current customer's before the FF fix. Opinions?

Comment #10

Posted on Apr 13, 2015 by Happy Elephant

As a user of Caja, I'm seeing more and more of our users running into this issue. Would be wonderful to have a fix soon.

Comment #11

Posted on Apr 13, 2015 by Swift Hippo

Started: https://codereview.appspot.com/222570043/

Status: Started

Type-Defect Priority-High Component-SES