
Google APIs Client Library for Python

This project has moved!

All following text is deprecated and left in only for historical purposes.

This project is the home of Google APIs Client Library for Python, which includes:

  • google-api-python-client: The core Python library for accessing Google APIs.
  • oauth2client: A Python client library for OAuth 2.0.
  • Sample applications using google-api-python-client and oauth2client

The documentation for using this library is found on the Google Developers Google APIs Client Library for Python page.

You can see the Sample Applications page for a description of all available samples, and the PyDoc for detailed descriptions of the modules in the library.

If you would like to contribute to this library, see the Contributing page and Design Documents.

Please report all bugs in the issue tracker and ask questions on stackoverflow, tagged with google-api-python-client, or in the discussion forum.

Project Information

Python API Google