What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a go file that does 'import "C"' 2. gd
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Godag should be able to compile the C bindings.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
godag 0.2 (r.60.3)
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 14, 2011 by Swift Catyep that will fail, godag has never had any cgo support. i actually consider that to be a feature :-) basic support for it could be fairly easy to add i guess, real support for it is virtually impossible with all those variables. (missing header-files, wrong gcc version and all sorts of things that can go wrong)
i can look into it, patches are welcome :)
Comment #2
Posted on Dec 15, 2011 by Swift WombatI'm just getting started with Go, but one of the first projects I'm working on involves linking to C so perhaps I'll take a look and see if I can contribute at all. I only imagine it to be possible with the simplest solutions. :)
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 15, 2011 by Swift Cathi
yes feel free to contribute, basically all that's needed is to keep track of which packages that contain an import "C", then build those with cgo, until then you can build it separately and add a -I /path/to/cgo/built/lib during compile; or add that option to your config file ($PWD/.gdrc for instace) as a temporary fix
mvh bjarneh
Status: Accepted