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godag - issue #15

Publish packages to debian

Posted on Oct 19, 2013 by Quick Horse

Even though there are .deb packages to download, they are not in the debian repository.

It would be nice to apt-get install godag :)

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 20, 2013 by Swift Cat


In order to get into the Debian repo I think one has to report a program as "missing" to the maintainers or something like that. There is most likely a certain Debian way to build packages and so on which I'm pretty sure godag does not follow :-)

It does pass the 'lintian' test, at least as much as any program made with go can pass that test, since all binaries are statically linked.

x@y:z$ lintian godag_0.4-0_i386.deb E: godag: unstripped-binary-or-object usr/bin/gd E: godag: statically-linked-binary usr/bin/gd

Or in other words I'm not 100% sure how this is done, but I'm pretty sure there are a few hurdles to overcome..

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium