What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. hg clone $repo 2. cd godag 3. gc _gmdk.go # where gc can be 6g, 8g or 5g
What is the expected output? It builds fine.
What do you see instead? It fails compiling. Errors below
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I'm using Go-hg(last updated on 2011-10-31) on an amd64 linux machine.
Please provide any additional information below. The error compiling is: _gdmk.go:210: cannot use collect (type *collector) as type filepath.WalkFunc in function argument _gdmk.go:210: too many arguments in call to filepath.Walk _gdmk.go:848: cannot use collect (type *collector) as type filepath.WalkFunc in function argument _gdmk.go:848: too many arguments in call to filepath.Walk _gdmk.go:946: cannot use collect (type *collector) as type filepath.WalkFunc in function argument _gdmk.go:946: too many arguments in call to filepath.Walk
If I try to build using "build.sh build" it also fails: walker.go:43: cannot use c (type *collect) as type filepath.WalkFunc in function argument walker.go:43: too many arguments in call to filepath.Walk walker.go:73: cannot use cc (type *chanCollect) as type filepath.WalkFunc in function argument walker.go:73: too many arguments in call to filepath.Walk
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 31, 2011 by Swift CatComment deleted
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 31, 2011 by Swift CatGodag does not follow weekly or tip releases og golang, i.e. it is only tested against the last stable release. to check out golang's last stable release:
cd $GOROOT hg update release cd src ./all.bash
the reason why godag does not build against the tip can be seen here:
the filepath package has changed, and the new version works similar to how godag's walker package works. the walker package can be removed when the new filepath package is included in golangs release i guess.
tip/weekly changes very frequently, so godag has always been developed against the release version of golang. from what i read on reddit, golang's first official version is on the way. that version of golang should be stable for quite some time, at least the API of the standard library will have to stay the same, which should solve most issues like this.
Comment #3
Posted on Oct 31, 2011 by Swift Catthis issue is considered done, in the sense that godag will typically never work with tip/weekly, only the release version og golang.
the make file can actually be used to update golang to the release version:
cd godag ./gdmk release
will update golang to its latest release..
Comment #4
Posted on Nov 1, 2011 by Swift Cat(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #5
Posted on Nov 24, 2011 by Swift Catthis is fixed now, a new branch has been created which compiles with the weekly release of go, also present in the github repo as the 'weekly' branch
Status: Fixed