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ID Status Summary
208 New repaint a marker in real time without repainting the entire map Type-Defect Priority-Medium
207 New refresh counter without repainting the entire map Type-Defect Priority-Medium
206 New Markers getting last N data from database independent of filtered data Type-Defect Priority-Medium
205 New source code incomplete Type-Defect Priority-Medium
204 New No library found for namespace ttp:// Type-Defect Priority-Medium
203 Invalid map.getLatitude() and map.getLongitude return always the same value Type-Defect Priority-Medium
202 New Moveend event example Type-Defect Priority-Medium
201 New Map shows wrong values. Circle/marker not displaying what its supposed to display Type-Defect Priority-Medium
200 New jsVariable Attribute on Circle component is not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
199 New Map cannot be Ajax (re-)rendered Type-Defect Priority-Medium
198 New Bad checksum on 3.0.0 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
197 Accepted Polygon events are propagated multiple times when they are created in a list Type-Defect Priority-Medium
196 New Multiple markers added, after search not shown correctly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
195 New Utlizing a marker causes issue with displaying the map Type-Defect Priority-Medium
194 New Patch for /tags/1.1.4/core/src/main/java/com/googlecode/gmaps4jsf/component/map/ Type-Patch
193 Fixed ERROR in GMaps4JSFServiceFactory.getReverseGeocoderService().getPlaceMark() Type-Defect Priority-Medium
192 Duplicate GMaps4JSFServiceFactory.getReverseGeocoderService().getPlaceMark() ERROR Type-Defect Priority-Medium
191 Invalid Map not showing of after migrating from 1.1.4 to 3.0.0 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 Fixed Maven Error with 3.0.0 Type-Defect Priority-High
189 New Gmap4jsf 3 - no direction component Type-Defect Priority-Medium
188 Invalid type attribute on <m:map /> causes javascript error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
187 New gmaps4jsf 3.0.0 ignores specified width, height, xcoordAnchor and ycoordAnchor on icon component Type-Defect Priority-Medium
186 WontFix animated gif image in m:icon tag Type-Defect Priority-Low
185 Fixed Lazily load child components such as htmlInfoWindow Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 Invalid Click and drag on the map to define rectangular polygon Type-Defect Priority-Medium
183 Duplicate duration and distance of direction component Type-Defect Priority-Medium
182 WontFix Can gmaps4jsf work with kmz files? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
181 Done Google maps key. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
180 Fixed Is this gmaps4jsf is supported and getting enhanced for 3.0?? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
179 Invalid Map search mismatch b/w google and gmaps4jsf Type-Defect Priority-Medium
178 Invalid Map does not show up when using with JSF 2.0 (JSPs) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
177 Invalid Javascript error in file gmaps4jsf-map.js Type-Defect Priority-Medium
176 Invalid Problem when adding gmaps4jsf to my project Type-Defect Priority-Medium
175 Invalid Moogle map shows nothing for some input addresses Type-Defect Priority-Medium
174 New error 1.1.4 and change renderOnWindowLoad for partiallyTriggered Type-Defect Priority-Low
173 New java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at Type-Defect Priority-Medium
172 Fixed how to integrate gmaps4jsf with api3 to draw a polygon Type-Defect Priority-Medium
171 Accepted Supporting customization of the locationNotFound message Type-Defect Priority-Medium
170 WontFix Direction component Type-Defect Priority-Medium
169 Invalid jsVariable definition for m:direction Type-Defect Priority-Medium
168 Fixed Supporting marker title Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 Accepted Problems combining search field and marker in IceFaces Type-Defect Priority-Medium
166 New JSF Icefaces: map disappear on refresh Type-Defect Priority-Medium
165 Fixed How to calculate two lat/lng Distance Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 Invalid how do I collect the values ​​of the different markers on the map? please helpme Type-Defect Priority-Medium
163 Fixed Including gmaps4jsf-1.1.4.jar in jsf 2.0 project hosted in google app engine will render application useless Type-Defect Priority-Medium
162 Duplicate When you use "The Google Maps JavaScript API V3"? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
161 Invalid blank area instead map Type-Defect Priority-Medium
160 Fixed accessing jsVariable for a marker gives error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 Duplicate HTMLInformationWindow not working for gmaps4jsf 1.1.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
158 New htmlInformationWindow not shown in 1.1.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
157 New Not showing Map with ADFaces Form component and gmaps4jsf-1.1.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Fixed eventListener that captures the drag event of the map, and updates my backing bean Type-Defect Priority-Medium
155 Fixed Draw polygons in real time Type-Defect Priority-Medium
154 Started Marker Cluster not resetting count when updated via ajax Type-Defect Priority-Medium
153 Invalid GMaps4JSF not running with Safari browser? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
152 Duplicate Adding Geocoding API Type-Defect Priority-Critical
151 New IE 8 Print Marker Issue Type-Defect Priority-Low
150 Fixed m:htmlInformationWindow does not popup Type-Defect Priority-Medium
149 Fixed Map does not render with JSF 2.0 on GlassFish Type-Defect Priority-Medium
148 Invalid Latitude and Longitude directionComponent Type-Defect Priority-Medium
147 WontFix New Feature: add marker labels Type-Defect Priority-Low
146 Fixed eventListener not working properly wit ui:repeat Type-Defect Priority-Medium
145 New custom icons need ability to set imagemap property Type-Defect Priority-Low
144 Fixed In 1.1.4, polyline points does not work with ui:repeat Type-Defect Priority-Critical
143 Done MarkerValue of dragged marker include identifier after ValueChangeEvent Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 Duplicate htmlInfoWindow component "when being a child of the marker component" is always displayed Type-Defect Priority-High
141 Fixed Ajax is broken in GMaps4JSF 1.1.4 when the map is updated. Type-Defect Priority-Critical
140 Duplicate Can't assign dynamic id parameter value to m:marker inside a ui:repeat Type-Defect Priority-Medium
139 Fixed Resetting marker to default position does not work when the marker is dragged Type-Defect Priority-Low
138 Fixed valueChangeListener is called for all markers in ui:repeat loop when moving one marker. Type-Defect Priority-High
137 Fixed Java 6 Facelets IE8 MIME Error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
136 Fixed Terrain option Type-Defect Priority-Medium
135 Duplicate HELP! gmaps4jsf and Mozilla Firefox Problem! _mF is not defined! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Invalid Map - full screen capability - request. Type-Defect Priority-Low
133 Invalid Eternal loading of the page because of the Map loading! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
132 Fixed 'Java' Source for Online Examples Type-Defect Priority-Low
131 Duplicate Including "submitOnValueChange" causes page to fail Type-Defect Priority-Medium
130 Fixed Suggestions to improve/refine the gmaps4jsf online Wiki Type-Defect Priority-Low
129 WontFix Are there tooltips when hovering over markers? Type-Defect Priority-Low
128 Done Tutorial disallows reopening information window for marker Type-Defect Priority-Medium
127 Fixed Integrate gmaps4jsf libraries with core NetBeans distribution Type-Defect Priority-Low
126 Invalid gmaps4jsf Mailing List Type-Defect Priority-Medium
125 WontFix Source - formatting and syntax highlighting. Type-Defect Priority-Low
124 WontFix TagLibraryDocumentation Refinements/Improvements Type-Defect Priority-Low
123 Invalid Map does not render on xhtml page with seam 2.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
122 Done new key for the demo Type-Defect Priority-Medium
121 Fixed adding gmaps4jsf stops <h:...> tags useless (using Glassfish 3.0.1) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
120 Invalid Mouse over/mouse out hanleding events for popups in google map Type-Defect Priority-Low
119 Fixed Facelet m:map seemed not to be rendered under Glassfish 3.0.1 / Eclipse 3.5.1 / gmaps4jsf-1.1.3-u3.jar Type-Defect Priority-Medium
118 Invalid Get the map address by provideing a Latitude,Longitude Type-Defect Priority-Medium
117 Invalid JSF 2.0 <ui:repeat IllegalArgumentException: Empty id attribute is not allowed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
116 Fixed Supporting Google Maps Version 3 Type-Defect Priority-Low
115 New JSF content for htmlInformationWindow Type-Defect Priority-Medium
114 Invalid Map does not render/show in OpenFaces "Window" control Type-Defect Priority-Low
113 Invalid <m:htmlInformationWindow> is not poping up with <m:marker> tag when using inside <a4j:repeat> Type-Defect Priority-Medium
112 Fixed Defalt width/height values of Map component do not work properly with "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" HTML DOCTYPE Type-Defect Priority-Medium
111 Fixed Compiling with JDK 1.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
110 Fixed Call JSF 2.0 ajax bean action on moveend event. Type-Defect Priority-High
109 Duplicate Support f:ajax tag for marker server side events Type-Defect Priority-Medium