What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. On page load, create a good size of markers, with a custom icon, via the Marker Manager and its addMarkers() method. Write javascript methods to clear the markers and to re-add them having these methods being executed via some HTML listener such as 'onClick'. 2. In Firefox 'clear' the markers. Then, watching the very left hand side of the map 'readd' the markers. All the markers custom icons 'flash' quickly before being plotted appropriately. 3. The above scenario can easily be seen using the example(s) given on this site: http://gmaps-utility-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markermanager/release/examples/weather_map.html
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expected NOT to see the icons flash before being plotted. I would expect to see only the plotted markers. I assume some 'pre-loading' is done. This being done possibly 'outside' the viewable map area?
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I have used all versions of the marker manager on this site. The operating system is a Debian (stable) Linux system under the 2.6 Kernel.
Please provide any additional information below. The 'flash' seems to only occur on Firefox browsers. IE works fine.
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 19, 2008 by Grumpy BearThat's the same issue as: http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=250
You can hard-code to 2.98 to avoid it for now. I think it'll be fixed in our next API release.
Closing here.
Status: Duplicate