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gmaps-utility-library-dev - DeveloperBios.wiki

Pamela Fox * Employed by Google as Maps API Developer Programs Engineer * Created: ExtMapTypeControl, MapIconMaker * Worked on: MarkerManager, DragZoomControl, LabeledMarker * Personal website: http://imagine-it.org

Gabriel Sjoberg * Employed by Prairie Interactive Messaging as Software Development Engineer * Created: Nothing yet! * Working on: New Clusterer class to aggregate adjacent and coincident markers.

Randy Becker * Student * Worked on: ExtMapTypeControl (mostly)

Dan Rummel

http://s3.amazonaws.com/seerowww/nunchuckers.jpg * Employed by Seero.com as Alpha Technology Nerd * Created: MarkerTracker

Andre Lewis

Joe Monahan

Björn Brala

Masashi Katsumata

http://googlemaps.googlermania.com/uploads/3805640_3499623391.jpg * Employed by System Aid as Software Development Engineer * Created: ExtLargeMapControl * Personal website: http://googlemaps.googlermania.com/

Chris Marx

http://chrismarx.googlepages.com/chrismarx_profile.jpg * Employed by Cornell Lab of Ornithology as an application developer and GIS analyst * Created: GeometryControls

Giuseppe Sollazzo

http://puntofisso.net/me.jpg * Employed by St. George's University of London as Systems Developers and Administrator * Working on: http://gmaps-utility-library-dev.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/ * Personal website: http://puntofisso.net

Gary Little

Thor Mitchell * Employed by Google as Maps API Product Manager * Created: RouteBoxer,