
ID Status Summary
24 New Google Business Photos/Street View Indoor Panorama shows triangles
23 New separate tile generation from web service
22 New Gheat and Aspen 0.11.11
21 New gheat tiles in google earth as overlays
20 New How to calculate the heat with user given intensity value?
19 New Support for Google Maps JavaScript v3
18 New How do you delete the tile caches?
17 Closed referencing check_png, but check_png no longer exists.
16 New TypeError - unhashable type
15 Accepted Multiple dots at same point yield squares
14 Open Significantly speed up tile generation
13 Closed Nested function in is slow (patch attached)
12 Closed id is used in count
11 Closed aspen.configure error
10 Open Serve multiple data sets from one gheat instance
9 Closed Type error on tile.colorize
8 Accepted more millions of files
7 Closed option to fade transparency with intensity
6 Accepted add ImageMagick backend Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Closed different colors
4 Closed expose opacity and fade to configuration
3 Closed permissions screwy?
2 Closed don't create millions of the same file
1 Closed geopy