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gears - issue #999

NullPointerExceptin while running GWT application with a lot of public reousrces under Eclipse

Posted on Jan 28, 2010 by Happy Cat

steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Have a project with gears support and many resources in public folder (977 small icons in our case) under Eclipse on linux (Gentoo) platform (or other way limit number of open files). 2. try to run it with Google Eclipse plugin

Expect to run application under Firefox. Instead have NullPointerException at: GearsManifestLinker.java:218 Sometimes it does work (something like 1 in 50 times)

Product Versions: Eclipse: 3.4.1 GWT: 2.0.0 Google suite plugin etc:1.2.0v200912070510

Additional information: Bug appears because at GearsManifestLinker.java:214 linker opens files, but never explicetly closes them. Hunted down to com.google.gwt.dev.resource.impl.FileResource.java:82, where code silently ignores FileNotFoundException. The message for the exceptin says "too many open files". Gentoo linux by default allows 1024 files to be opened by process, hence the exception. After setting limit to 10240 files it does work.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium