i need to track for a video player, i load a swf in a page test and execute code : trackPageview("/idvideo")
in Googles Analitycs board : i have 1 hit for 'Pageviews' and 1 hit for 'Unique Pageviews', it's OK but when i reload the page : i have 2 hits for 'Pageviews' and 2 hits for 'Unique Pageviews' instead of 1 hit for 'Unique Pageviews'
it's a bug ? i have forgotten a variable ? i have tested several config, with no result.
gaforflash version : Flash CS5.5 with FlashDevelop Test on Chrome and Firefox / Windows 7
when you put the same code on a html page, the 'Unique Pageviews' count is correct... same thing with 'trackEvent'
Here is my code : (complete code in the attach file)
... import com.google.analytics.GATracker; import com.google.analytics.core.TrackerMode; ....
GATracker.autobuild = false; tracker = new GATracker(this, "UA-XXXXXXXX-1"); tracker.mode = TrackerMode.AS3; tracker.config.sessionTimeout = 60; // new session timeout in seconds. By default, session timeout is set to 30 minutes (1800 seconds). tracker.config.conversionTimeout = 180; GATracker(tracker).build();
... private function test01(e:MouseEvent):void {
thanx you for your help Ronan
- TTestTracker3.as 1.43KB
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 22, 2013 by Grumpy Horsesame problem here: http://code.google.com/p/gaforflash/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Milestone%20Owner%20Summary&groupby=&sort=&id=56
Status: New