
ID Status Summary
46 New AssertionError: No api proxy found for service "logservice" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 New simplejson import from django.utils making gaeunit crash on GAE version >1.1.8 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Invalid FAILURE test_id3 (Test_Paging.PagedQueryTest)
43 New gaeunit crashes after calling testbed.deactivate() in tearDown() method Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 New CouldNotFindModule error when trying to run tests on sample app Type-Other Priority-Low
41 New A unit test should fail on queries that uses an indexes that don't not exist Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 New Patched to handle test packages in a directory tree in addition to flat-all-tests-in-one-dir setup Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 New Feature Request: Interoperability with "Hudson" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 New No module named fcntl after appengine upgrade. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 New install somewhere other than root Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 New TestResponse.json with header other than application/json and expect_errors=True does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
35 New Tests don't run: "name 'datastore_types' is not defined" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 New Different results reported in format=plain v. format=html Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 New html format don't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 New taskqueue needs to be in list of preserved stubs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 New 404 with body of length less than 512 bytes is suppressed by Chrome Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 New Context dependent tests may fail when format=plain Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 New google_api_tests fail in the UK Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 New GAEunit hanging before finishing all tests Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 New the tests are stopped randomly at some point Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 New non-200 HTTP status causes failure details of earlier tests to be overwritten in browser. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 New SyntaxError raised in JS code if the output from a test contains }, Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 New Create an instance of the memcache just for tests. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 New TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'trusted' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Invalid db.Model - Cannot retreive persisted entries. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Invalid can't import models into unit test Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 New Is there a way to simulate a client login. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 New] [Errno 13] path not accessible: '../../gaeunit/test' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Fixed Local variable referenced before assignment Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Fixed w/ 1.2.1 SDK - BadRequestError: app GAEUnitDataStore cannot access app Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 Invalid Paginator import fails Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 New No api proxy found for service "memcache" in tests using memcached classes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 Fixed Inapproriate error message Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
12 New Suggested noob FAQ: urlfetch works only on ports 80 and 443 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 New Failure if test directory is also a package Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Fixed Test Not Running Properly in Internet Explorer Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Duplicate Fixing a failed test required restart of GAE to see changes in web page. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed Need to register urlfetch stub in _runTestSuite Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 Fixed running GAE unit stops the memcache viewer from working. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed Back slashes are not properly escaped Type-Defect Priority-Low
5 Fixed Cache is not updated after test case modification Type-Defect Priority-High
4 Invalid Does not support Firefox Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 Invalid logging not enabled Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 Started For format=plain, the HTTP status of the request is always 200, even if the test suite failed. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Fixed Errors with the URL parameters are not reported in the HTTP request when format=plain Type-Defect Priority-Medium