
ID Status Summary
2570 New Full calendar event title search
2569 Invalid add icon to event in calendar
2568 Done Multiple calendar Problem
2567 Invalid Events not being displayed using FullCalendar 2.4.0
2566 Done get events (as a function) not working
2565 Done Custom sort for events in month view
2564 ExportedToGithub Current time line/indicator in Resource / Timeline View
2563 ExportedToGithub SelectHelper ignoring ForceEventDuration
2562 Released Scheduler: doesn't render well in IE8 Type-Bug Milestone-Scheduler
2561 Done Events available to DayRender
2560 ExportedToGithub Scheduler: rendering of right scrollbar Type-Feature Milestone-Scheduler
2559 Done Preventing EventSource duplicity
2558 Done events break on 12 noon
2557 Invalid Hover color / styles for a specific resource + day
2556 Duplicate how to create drop down list for select month and year
2555 Invalid remove Events odd behaviour
2554 ExportedToGithub Events retrieved through AJAX disappear on refresh if they have an end time, when default view is agendaWeek Type-Bug
2553 ExportedToGithub Multiple select with SHIFT-modifier Type-Feature
2552 ExportedToGithub Scheduler: displaying of shared resource between resource groups. Type-Feature Milestone-Scheduler
2551 ExportedToGithub Dynamically added eventRender buttons will not fire in agenda views. Type-Bug
2550 Done Integration Check
2549 Done Reload of business hours Type-Feature
2548 ExportedToGithub different time restriction on each date for creating new event Type-Feature
2547 Invalid Adding a class to an event?
2546 Invalid ptain phasma
2545 Done selectOverlap is true, drag existing event for creating overlap is possible
2544 ExportedToGithub Extra space between events in agendaWeek Type-Bug
2543 ExportedToGithub firing event-click for bg events Type-Feature
2542 Done Not able to get reference to .fc-helper from EventRender callback
2541 ExportedToGithub option to set a day break time for TimeGrid Type-Feature
2540 Done renderEvent when event.source specified doesn't display the event
2539 ExportedToGithub boostrap popover. event not getting focused on clicking Type-Bug
2538 Invalid FullCalendar title is resetting to the current date(today's date)
2537 Invalid FullCalendar title is resetting to the current date(today's date)
2536 ExportedToGithub header value as false, calendar doesn't render Type-Bug
2535 Done Slowly works Calendar
2534 Released Column Format - Scheduler Plugin Type-Bug Milestone-Scheduler
2533 Released Background events - Scheduler Plugin Type-Bug Milestone-Scheduler
2532 ExportedToGithub Right to left in hebrew not working correctly Type-Bug
2531 ExportedToGithub search/filter for large list of resources Type-Feature Milestone-Scheduler
2530 Invalid how should i align the times are x-axis and days are y-axis?
2529 ExportedToGithub MouseFollower stop animation compete callback called outside of context Type-Bug
2528 Invalid Monthview show summary events per day Type-Feature
2527 ExportedToGithub IE11: in Month view tasks disappear after Drag-n-drop Type-Bug
2526 Invalid Full Calender - Events duplicate after ajax call.
2525 Done Events get overlapped on one another
2524 Done Progress bar loading
2523 Released method to refetch resources Type-Feature Milestone-Scheduler
2522 Done Fullcalendar Scheduler - Associating Events with Resources
2521 ExportedToGithub slotDuration invisible when minTime starts out of alignment Type-Bug
2520 Invalid Integrating solar calendar
2519 Duplicate Separate select constraint for allDay and non-allDay events
2518 Invalid Bottom Border Missing
2517 Invalid Problem with agendaWeek / titleFormat
2516 ExportedToGithub Date/Time not being correctly displayed on eventRender Type-Bug
2515 ExportedToGithub Timezone is lost when the event is changed programmatically Type-Bug
2514 Done Multiple days event ending day earlier before 9AM hrs
2513 ExportedToGithub Resource / Timeline View compatibility with DateTimePicker Type-Bug
2512 ExportedToGithub Skip custom holidays Type-Feature
2511 Invalid SharePoint - Object doesn't support property or method 'formatdate' Error
2510 Invalid After submitting button second time values not refreshed
2509 ExportedToGithub agendaDay does not respect scrollTime when contentHeight is 'auto' Type-Feature
2508 ExportedToGithub Improve CDN example on downloads page Type-Other
2507 ExportedToGithub lang files should name fullcalendar as a dependency Type-Feature
2506 Duplicate Calendar having Months View like Jan/Feb/Mar etc.
2505 ExportedToGithub Hidden calendar, API calls should silently fail Type-Feature
2504 ExportedToGithub eventDrop does not reurning event.end null Type-Bug
2503 Invalid full calendar 3 month view display
2502 ExportedToGithub How to show Chines number in full calendar 2.3.0 Type-Bug
2501 Invalid not wotking in ie9 please help me
2500 Duplicate agenda view like google calendar
2499 ExportedToGithub Dragging an all-day event to timed event in agendaWeek Type-Feature
2498 Duplicate Varied slot durations
2497 Duplicate Add hook to get ALL eventSources
2496 ExportedToGithub Can't drag and drop event from first date cell to last date cell on one time pick and drop action(scroll is now going down respect to event draging) Type-Feature
2495 Duplicate The event registration function of the plural
2494 Invalid Event drag limitation
2493 ExportedToGithub Agenda events incorrectly overlapping Type-Bug
2492 Duplicate Demo Calendar is not working on IE8
2491 Done Copy & Paste Events
2490 Duplicate Missing dot in Germen titleFormat in WeekView Type-Bug
2489 ExportedToGithub Preset selectable intervals of time Type-Feature
2488 ExportedToGithub Force a fixed number-of-days, event with hiddenDays Type-Feature
2487 ExportedToGithub Refetch events on a timer. Polling Type-Feature
2486 Duplicate Sort Order of Events
2485 Done Minified version of fullcalendar.print.css Type-Feature
2484 Invalid Show highlighted booking
2483 ExportedToGithub Right-click on agenda cells Type-Feature
2482 Invalid One Event per day in FC v1.5.4
2481 ExportedToGithub support an optional "title" on "background" events Type-Feature
2480 Duplicate Select / Drag / Drop / Resize multiple events at once
2479 ExportedToGithub Where previously jqui `ui` object, better API Type-Feature
2478 ExportedToGithub Customize position of eventLimit popover Type-Feature
2477 Duplicate Weekly event, except weekend or day X.
2476 Invalid Drag Event
2475 ExportedToGithub eventConstraint and selectConstraint as functions Type-Feature
2474 ExportedToGithub Macedonian translation Type-i18n
2473 Invalid Embed Calendar
2472 Invalid l motors tv ads
2471 ExportedToGithub snapDuration beginning at slotDuration's granularity Type-Feature