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formy-css-framework - issue #7

Request to wrap form CSS in class

Posted on Jul 26, 2009 by Massive Bear

Thx for the great library. It'd be great if instead of globally applying the CSS to all form fields, the CSS were wrapped in a class definition, so <form class='formy'> (or <div class='formy'>) would only affect the input fields within the div/form.

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 27, 2009 by Happy Camel

Hi tacman,

I suggest you just edit the CSS file yourself in that case.

Just prepend all the statements with div.formy. E.g. div.formy label { color:#333; } and div.formy fieldset { border:1px solid #ccc; }

I think that should do it anyway :)

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium