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ID Status Summary
170 New List UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 8-16
169 New i18n doesn't seem to work with DateFieldRenderer
168 New webob1.2b2 breaks imports of formalchemy
167 WontFix PostgreSQL field CIDR, INET, MACADDR error in formalchemy.ext.pylons
166 New Language selection: fieldset.render(lang='fr') ignored
165 New synonyms not working?
164 New Pagination problems resulting in a mssql order_by error
163 Accepted Grid.configure() not passing parameters properly to FieldSet.configure()
162 Fixed TypeError in checkbox rendering
161 Fixed checkbox > render value
160 Fixed Hidden field shows label but not value if fieldset.readonly == True
159 New Autoflush caused by relationship cascade causes IntegrityError
158 Accepted relationship attribute does not use default for rendered selected list
157 WontFix FieldRenderer .value vs. .raw_value for .render_readonly()
156 New Field values should really be escaped.
155 New If attribute name is not equal to the column name for a foreign key, relationship field gets wrong name
154 Fixed Polish translation
153 Fixed TimeFieldRenderer incorrectly access form data
152 New Binding to form data with missing form elements gives a KeyError
151 Fixed 00:00 time gets rendered as empty string or unselected <select>
150 Accepted With SQLAlchemy 0.6, non-sqlalchemy forms doesn't work
149 Accepted Admin controller fails to redirect on primary_key edit
148 Invalid Editing time record gives TypeError
147 Fixed FieldSet.append() should accept AttributeFields for use with SQLAlchemy models
146 Fixed down?
145 Fixed Default validation in deserialize appends ValidationError instead of its message
144 Fixed SQLAlchemy 0.6 has renamed Binary to LargeBinay
143 New Dictionary attribute/relation support on FormAlchemy
142 Invalid Pylons admin interface with SQLAlchemy 0.6 and WebHelpers 0.6.4
141 New Pylons template for existing projects
140 Accepted value_objects introduced in r759 was removed in r803
139 Fixed Cannot use FAs admin if other than mako engine used in project
138 Invalid restfieldset.mako ttemplate is harcoded in _RESTControler
137 Fixed Pull request from abourget's repository
136 Fixed Pull request from abourget's repository
135 Fixed Pull request from abourget's repository
134 Fixed AttributeError: 'ScopedSession' object has no attribute 'update'
133 Fixed error in restfieldset.mako template
132 Fixed FormAlchemy admin area doesn't work with Pylons 1.0b1
131 Fixed Interval type + pylons admin
130 Fixed Wiki pages need to be exported from SVN into Hg
129 New Validation of empty string on a field where is_required() is True writes in field_set.errors but does not raise ValidationError
128 Fixed Pylons admin got ValueError with objects of SA inheritance classes
127 Fixed exclude discriminator columns
126 Fixed log msg crashes ext.pylons.admin
125 Fixed hungarian translation
124 Fixed FieldSet customization breaks admin on second insert in Pylons
123 Fixed ext.pylons - GenerationException: url_for could not generate URL. Called with args: () {'page': 2}
122 New Elixir Compatibility: How do I get the id of the record I just created?
121 Fixed Where's my admin.css?
120 Invalid FormAlchemy-1.2.3.tar.gz doesn't include formalchemy.ext.pylons.controller
119 Invalid No HTML escaping when rendering readonly grid
118 Fixed No Session found: pylons admin
117 Fixed Do not skip validation on non-required fields
116 New Routes for Pylons admin system break down if the database uses URLs as primary keys
115 WontFix fetaure request: add fieldsets (html) support
114 Fixed default_renderers and subclassing
113 Fixed Grid: render error messages
112 Accepted dropdown.options does not support ResultProxy iterables
111 Invalid helpers.escape_once should not exist
110 New i18 not working correctly with custom validators
109 Invalid AbstractField can't query parent's session in virtualenv
108 Duplicate FA not working with "model" attribute
107 Fixed If column name is `model` getting `raise AttributeError('Do not set field ...')`
106 Accepted Synonyms not identified
105 WontFix Bunch of patches
104 Accepted After syncing form, selected property in select tag is lost
103 Fixed patch against latest version of couchdbkit
102 WontFix Z tests fails in test_unicode
101 Fixed Documentation rework needed
100 Fixed I need some functions to manipulate the fields attached to a FieldSet after the creation of the object.
99 Fixed Models with large numbers of fields are unusable in pylons admin interface
98 WontFix Custom types with inheritance = random renderer
97 Fixed Composite types don't actually work right
96 Fixed can't do routing to controllers in subdirectories?
95 Fixed couchdbkit patch
94 Fixed tests failed
93 Fixed FieldSet.render() fails when model has a boolean field == True
92 Fixed Want to add instructions to FieldSet
91 Fixed Grids do not render (at revision 738 and most probably trunk) because of missing import
90 Invalid when syncing models, formalchemy does not use descriptors (synonyms) for setting the field
89 Fixed CheckBoxRender doesn't send the good value to h.check_box
88 New feature: support to not render binded field value
87 Invalid better synonym support
86 Duplicate Would be nice to be able to tweak order and insert fields after configure(include=...)
85 Fixed Spanish 0.5.1 translation
84 New FieldSet.configure() can not be called multiple times, without resetting the rendered fields
83 Fixed The validators don't have a clue of it's context, thus disallow passwords comparisons validation.
82 Fixed FieldSet constructor crashes on column_property fields
81 Fixed Add support for dynamic loaders
80 Fixed support for Mapper(..., explicit=True)
79 Duplicate Patch to append "engine" customization feature in "ext.pylons.admin"
78 Fixed Please, add pagination for ext.pylons.admin
77 Fixed Unable to customize ext.pylons admin templates
76 Fixed Fix one ext.pylons.admin issue with Elixir entity
75 Fixed png not showing in admin
74 Fixed FA failing to restore listbox selection after rendering a form with validation errors
73 WontFix Convert Session method to private in AdminController
72 Fixed Fix some unicode issue in pylonsapp
71 Invalid DateFieldRender should renders years as str (patch)