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fmask - issue #9

Using fmask with Landsat 8 scenes

Posted on Feb 28, 2013 by Quick Kangaroo

Landsat 8 channels are slightly different than Landsat 7: http://landsat.usgs.gov/L8_band_combos.php

Looks like you have to change fmask significally to make it work with Landsat 8, will you support it?

Or maybe you will improve algorithm for even better results (2 new channels were added in Landsat 8).

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 28, 2013 by Quick Kangaroo

Oh, i just have found that nasa will add Quality Assessment (QA) band with cloud layers. Wonder which algorithm are they using for detecting cloud (ACCA or fmask?).


Comment #2

Posted on Mar 5, 2013 by Swift Horse

Yes, we shall make benefit of the new bands (especially the cirrus band) to make Fmask work better for the new data and we are hoping the Fmask results can go into QA band for the USGS products.

Regards, Zhe

Comment #3

Posted on Jun 21, 2013 by Quick Giraffe

Do you have an idea of a release date for a Landsat-8 compatible version? Is it to be expected this summer?

Comment #4

Posted on Nov 20, 2013 by Swift Kangaroo

This website title is "Automated clouds, cloud shadows, and snow masking for Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 images", with Landsat 8 images included, Does this mean you have upgraded the code to include Landsat 8?

Comment #5

Posted on Jun 22, 2015 by Happy Wombat

I have run the Windows Standalone version of FMask for Landsat 8 Scene LC82200682015161LGN00 and obtained drastically different outputs compared to the CFMask output obtained through USGS EarthExplorer's Surface Reflectance service and from the QA band itself. The CFMask and QA band show relatively similar cloud profiles however the Windows-based FMask product shows a completely cloud covered scene. Could you please look into this?

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium