fmask - issue #8
Running fmask in a folder with other files including B1, ..., B7 in the filename
This issue is low priority since I already found a fix for it, but I felt it had to be brought to your attention. Thank you for releasing this software, btw.
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Run fmask in a folder containing original Landsat TIF files, plus other files with filenames containing the string 'BX', with X in {1, ..., 7} (these files can come from other processing software for example)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The program should run correctly since all the files are there, but some extra files mess up the bandname retrieval routine in nd2toar.m. Instead we get : "Error using readtif>parse_args (line 110) Unrecognized parameter name '......' " (<- name of the first file mistaken for the actual input file in Matlab dir command) A quick fix tentative solution is provided at the end of this report, that will make the bandname retrieval a bit more robust. It could still fail if there would be other 'BX.TIF' (X in {1,...,7}) files in the same directory.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? autoFmask_2_1sav.m on Windows 7 64-bit, Matlab R2012b
Please provide any additional information below. HOW TO FIX THIS ISSUE : - Edit nd2toar.m - In the first 60 lines, search and replace n_BX=dir('BX') with n_BX=dir('BX.TIF'), for X=1 to 7 (also n_B6=dir('*B6*1*'))
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 28, 2013 by Swift HorseThanks Matthieu, that's really helpful. Yes, current version assumes there is no other files in the original unziped folder. One other way is to remove the other files before running Fmask. Thanks for the fix and I'll try to include it in the future release.
Regards, Zhe
Status: New