Errors showing :
Read in header information and TIF images ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> lndhdrread at 119 doy=str2double(char_doy(15:17));
Error in ==> nd2toar at 22 [Lmax,Lmin,Qcalmax,Qcalmin,ijdim_ref,ijdim_thm,reso_ref,...
Error in ==> plcloud_2_0sav at 22 [Temp,data,dim,ul,zen,azi,zc,satu_B1,satu_B2,satu_B3,resolu]=nd2toar(image);
Error in ==> Fmask_2_0sav at 7 [zen,azi,ptm,Temp,t_templ,t_temph,Water,Snow,plcloud,shadow,dim,ul,resolu,zc]=plcloud_2_0sav(im,cldprob);
Error in ==> autoFmask_2_0sav at 63 Fmask_2_0sav(,cldpix,sdpix,cldprob); % newest version 2.0sav
I have copied all the Fmask_2_0sav files to my Landsat Images folder and am trying to run the autoFmask_2_0sav. These are the errors I am encountering. Can any1 help me please ?
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 12, 2012 by Swift HorseThe current 2.0 version only works for data processed after Aug. 2012 (the new MTL metadata). I think you are processing the data processed before Aug. 2012, and to make it work, you need to try the old 1.6.3 version. I'm currently working to make the 2.1 version capable of processing all versions.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Zhe
Status: New