What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. apply ledaps on the example data provided at http://fmask.googlecode.com/files/FTP%20directory%20-geog-grad-zhuzhe-Fmask_Windows_exe-%20at%20crsos_bu_edu.htm 2. apply Fmask Windows version on the ledaps output
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? expected: provided example output instead: Error using readtif>parse_args (line 109) Unknown parameter 'b6clouds200.temp.file'.
Error in readtif (line 35)
Error in imread (line 435)
Error in nd2toar (line 49)
Error in plcloud_1_6sav (line 22)
Error in Fmask_1_6sav (line 7)
Error in autoFmask_1_6sav (line 56)
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Version 1, Fmask.exe
Please provide any additional information below. fmask runs without problems for ETM+ SLC-off as well as SLC-on but fails for Landsat 5 TM
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 31, 2012 by Swift HorseIs the TM image with the *WO.txt metadata? If so, the currently 1.6.3sav Matlab version and windows executable version will not work. You will need run LEDAPS and the 1.6.3v Matlab version to let it work.
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 7, 2012 by Swift HorseTry the most recent 2.0 version.
Status: New