
Javascript plotting library for Prototype.js

Flotr is a javascript plotting library based on the Prototype Javascript Framework 1.6+.

Flotr enables you to draw appealing graphs in most modern browsers with an easy to learn syntax.

The currently supported chart types are : * Histograms (vertical, horizontal, stacked bars) * Lines (filled or not) * Points (scatter plots) * Pie chart * Candle sticks (and barcharts) * Radar chart * Markers (positioned text)

A logarithmic scale support is coming soon.

It comes with great features like legend support, negative value support, mouse tracking, selection support, zoom support, event hooks, css styling support, text included into the canvas, rotated labels, color gradients, graph title and subtitle, spreadsheet, CSV data download and much more.

Flotr is the replacement of [Plotr](http://www.solutoire.com/plotr/). **Because Plotr is deprecated, I recommend switching to Flotr**. To keep informed about Flotr I recommend subscribing to [the RSS feed](http://code.google.com/feeds/p/flotr/updates/basic). ## Download Flotr ## You can download a zip package under the [Downloads](http://code.google.com/p/flotr/downloads/list) tab. This package includes: * minified version of [Flotr](http://www.solutoire.com/flotr/) (used [YUI Compressor](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/) 2.3.5 for compression). * debug version of Flotr (including code comments). * [Prototype](http://www.prototypejs.org) (not compressed). * minified version of [ExCanvas](http://excanvas.sourceforge.net/) * and other required library files (canvastext, canvas2image, etc) To get **the bleeding edge Flotr**, just browse the SVN repository : [here](http://code.google.com/p/flotr/source/browse)

Documentation and Examples

You can find documentation at http://www.solutoire.com/flotr/docs/.

You can try it with the few examples available here, or test it further with a new and very helpful tool, the very interactive Flotr Playground.

Who develops Flotr ?

Flotr was originally developped by Bas Wenneker, a student from The Netherlands. Read more about him on his blog or connect with him on LinkedIn.
A new developer joined the team : Fabien Ménager, a former student from France in software engeneering, now an employee of OpenXtrem, which sponsors this project. You can contact him on his website or on LinkedIn.

Project Information

plot chart graph javascript prototypejs lines bars points mouse-interaction piecharts canvas