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findbugs - issue #34

The version of bcel used in the trunk is not clear from the file name, nor is it stated in the manifest of bcel.jar

Posted on Feb 20, 2010 by Quick Elephant

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Checkout the code svn checkout http://findbugs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ findbugs-read-only 2. Look in findbugs/lib 3. There is a bcel.jar file without a version number in the file name. 4. Look in the bcel.jar file $ jar xf bcel.jar META-INF $ cat META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 1.5.0_16-133 (Apple Inc.)

Expected: The version of the BCEL library being used. Actual: No version number in either the file name or the Manifest.

I need the version so I may follow the code that makes use of BCEL classes when writing my own detector, to see for example what methods are available in InvokeInstruction when stepping through the code.

There is a workaround, which is to just replace bcel.jar with the latest stable release of bcel from the apache website. But it's not ideal. Better make the project plug and play by ensuring the dependencies to third party libraries are clearly versioned.

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 20, 2010 by Quick Elephant

I tried to compile FindBugs with the bcel.jar from the 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 releases of bcel available for download on the Apache website, without luck. It's unclear where the bcel.jar is coming from.

Comment #2

Posted on Nov 23, 2011 by Quick Elephant

Thanks for the report, but please report this bug at sourceforge bug tracker again. This tracker is not used / monitored.

Status: Invalid