What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Had used DragDrop feature of FEST robot-startDrag 2. After a while robot stops resopnding to any drag action 3. Problem worsens with none of my Windows files are any more draggable.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? -Should be able to perform drag,but its not happening
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? -OS is Windows XP and FEST being used is 1.1
Please provide any additional information below.
-After some time(say days)drag starts happening,but moment I run any of my FEST test it gets disappeared.
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 18, 2009 by Quick WombatThanks for reporting this. Please note the following:
I believe this is issue is happening, but to fix it, it would be nice if there is some kind of test case. The description is too general.
The project has a new issue tracker (we switched some months ago.) The URL is http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/FEST
Thanks, -Alex
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 19, 2009 by Happy Kangaroo-We had been trying to drag a JCommandToggleButton of org.jvnet.flamingo.common.JCommandToggleButton for which we had written fixture as: public class JCommandToggleButtonFixture extends ComponentFixture -So after getting button we are simply calling commandToggleButton.startDrag(); -I am getting my buttons properly but moment it goes ti drag the component,the dragging capability of robot ceases and it stops responding to drag action. -I cant publish the code yet I am sure above might give a useful idea about our issue. -Please let me know in any other way I can help. -This is a very important functionality needed by our project so please help us out.
Regards, Aditya
Status: New