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fest - issue #313

JTextComponentFixture.doubleClick() does not exhibit expected behavior

Posted on Jun 9, 2009 by Quick Dog

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a JPanel which contains a JTextField. 2. Observe that double-click causes selectAll when exercised manually. 3. Create a FEST test case and invoke:

FrameFixture frameFixture = new FrameFixture(frame); JPanelFixture pf = new JPanelFixture(frameFixture.robot, panel); pf.textBox(textField).doubleClick();

compare this to pf.textBox(textField).selectAll() or manually double-clicking

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected: text in JTextField should be highlighted as with selectAll() Actual: Nothing visible occurs, effect is similar to slowly clicking twice.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? FEST 1.2a2

Please provide any additional information below. n/a

Comment #1

Posted on Jun 9, 2009 by Quick Wombat

Hi Woody,

Now we use JIRA for issue tracking. I have migrated this bug to http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/FEST-137

Thanks! -Alex

Status: New